Embrace life, God will do amazing things

Embrace life, God will do amazing things

Carpe diem. Life is short, but able to provide soaring feelings of joy, wonderment, and awe at the beauty and order around us. Anything beyond this life is uncertain at best and unlikely to exist when rationally evaluated. So live for this day, because it will never be here to live again. That does not mean engage in hedonism. Brain scans prove we actually draw more joy and fulfillment from helping others than from getting material goods for ourselves. Live to the fullest by realizing that you are constantly under construction. Live by helping others to live. I hope this helps you live a more joyful life, and pay the advice shared with others.

Let us look at these two scenarios from everyday life. You arrive home, tired and frustrated from your day at the office. All day you have listened to the endless blabber of people, working or refusing to do so. Your boss yells at you, your coworkers talk behind your back, you miss your lunch due to the workload etc. As soon as you step in through that door, your 4 year old girl rushes right towards you. That moment you realise, that all the pent up frustration seems to vanish, when your little child embraces you. You realise that even though people have been yelling at you all day, there is someone who looks up to you and idolises you.

Now the other one, you're sitting on the entirely vacant bus stop, apart from you and another man, who looks fishy enough to be a crook. You see your bus coming and stand up. He also stands up. Although you're staring at the bus as it comes nearer, you also notice from the corner of your eye that the man is coming towards you. Before you react, he bends down near you and picks up your purse and hands it over to you. You realise when you board the bus, that although he could have stolen it when you left, he was kind enough to give it back to you. An error of judgement by appearance on your behalf. Now do we understand understand that life does not work your way. Somewhere down the path, there are little instances which make you realise this. That is how life can be embraced.

How do you really embrace life? Smiling and laughing without reason. By giving to needy people. It is said that only two things will get flashbacked before anybody take the last breath : the amount of love shared, the amount of knowledge you gained. Accepting people and situations as they are and then taking necessary , rational and intelligent decisions. Living in the present moment. Making new friends everyday, continuous learning, reading, listening to others. Making melodies out of nothing and everything. Celebrating life.

Embracing life is accepting what it is and moving on. Let the world remain as a game of maze but you still stand with confidence, hope and show up everyday with a smile, fighting the battle with inner demons to come out of the maze as a victorious warrior. Embrace the uncertainties of life and have faith in your journey. To me to embrace life is to understand how incredibly awesome it is. But to do that one would have to know what this life is truly about. The truth of life is magnificent as we are here for mind-blowing reasons. But its not the reasons we hear about in religious gathering or school and is why society is so crazed and off balance.

To understand the purpose of life we first need to understand how life progresses? First of all life doesn't end with death. Death is just the end of a chance given to a soul to learn and correct itself in the form of a body. The soul will again be given many chances with every life form it’ll take. The journey of the soul goes on irrespective of the births we take and the deaths we face. With every life we experience few things and learn from those experiences. If we refuse to learn a particular lesson from a particular experience then we’ll again face the same circumstances in next life and this will continue to happen till the time we learn what we were supposed to learn from that particular experience.

For example, a common person who is not violent, is not violent only because he has been violent in some past life and has learned the lesson that it is not good to be a violent person unless circumstances compel you to do so. In the same manner if someone is very calm, it means that he has seen it all and has learned to be calm under trying circumstances.

The truly unusual thing that (presumably only) humans bring to the world is an ability to judge appropriateness. Rocks, rivers, bushes, deer, trees and even young children are just so beautiful. Understanding what is good, and what is bad, and why, creates meaning. Things don't just happen, they are now good and bad things. Embracing life means diving into a world that acquires meaning only through active, conscious awareness and participation. Cheers!

Padma S.

Professor, KL Business School, K L University

3 年

Happy Monday



