Embrace independence

Embrace independence

I’m so thankful to be an American. I’m so thankful to live in a country that allows me to exercise rugged individualism.

In order to accept rugged individualism, you have to embrace independence.

At one point in our history, we were dependent, serving under a monarchy. Under those conditions our liberties were dictated to us. We were totally dependent on the state.

Dr. Stephen Covey presented the idea of the maturity continuum in his wonderful book “7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” The first stage where everyone starts is dependence. Dependence acknowledges need. In this state, the individual is at the mercy of the needs. The individual can go no further than the needs because the needs dictate how far he can go.

?Then one glorious day the idea that man could govern himself was born and a Clarion call went out “give me freedom or give me death” and then we as a nation declared our Independence.

The move from dependency to independence was radical. Independence says I have the ability, the skill set, the knowledge, the resources and moral compass to govern myself.

?What a magnificent concept independence is. Fueled by the intrinsic belief that the individual can contribute, create and sustain himself catapulted America to the greatest land on planet Earth.

?It is from independence that we can now embrace interdependence. Interdependence requires cooperation. Cooperation happens when there is integrity and mutual benefit. It is up to the individual to operate in integrity and mutual benefit. This is where responsibility takes center stage.

?You, the individual are responsible for your contribution to this Republic. This Republic will lavishly reward the individual who will positively contribute and the free market is always the gage of contribution.

Therefore, contribution is the heart of the matter and your individual contribution is always being weighted.

?I do not deny corruption, and I do not deny greed. Evil has always been part of the human experience, but I have read the end of the story and Good will triumph in the end. Remember when we contribute with integrity and mutual benefit, we will prevail.

?Consider the words of Benjamin Franklin “This Constitution…can only end in despotism…when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other.”

?You are responsible as a free American to operate in a way that ensures our freedom. I see no better way to operate than to operate in rugged individualism. To operate in a manner that seeks the benefit of others, always ensures a reward for the contributor. It is the American way.

?Remember the words of JFK “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country”

I accept this challenge.

?On this, Independence Day, reaffirm your rugged individualism and declare anew yourself independent.

Appreciate the wonderful Constitution that enables us to be free and honor the sacrifice of all those that have died, defending our freedom

Honor our Republic by being free and teaching your children and grandchildren how to be free.

Best Regards,

Bobby Holland

Free American




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