Embrace Empathy
John Chappelear
Private Coaching for the Entrepreneur or CEO who has attained great success but life still sucks. Is the life you built worth the price you paid? Mine wasn't. Let's forge an emotionally fulfilling path together.
I believe that empathy gets a bad rap. As leaders, we are asked to be arbiters for the success or failure of the people we manage every day. To be both significant and influential, we need to not only understand empathy but embrace it wholeheartedly.
Empathy is a powerful tool…
Used correctly, empathy can be a powerful relationship, engagement, and communication tool. The good news is, it’s both a teachable and learnable skill with benefits that are both demonstrable and measurable.
I believe that empathy gets a bad rap.
Empathy falls under the umbrella of Emotional Intelligence (EI). We can and should use it as a communication tool.?
Click the link, and you’ll find six examples of how Emotional Intelligence and Empathy are interwoven and play a significant role in cooperation: https://www.bizjournals.com/bizjournals/how-to/growth-strategies/2017/03/empathy-gets-a-bad-rap.html
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