"Embrace the Ebb and Flow: A Journey Through Goodbyes Where Every Fall Ushers in a Rise."
Audieu 2023 - Zainy Clicks

"Embrace the Ebb and Flow: A Journey Through Goodbyes Where Every Fall Ushers in a Rise."

Farewell Flourish: Navigating the Art of Goodbye – Where Falling Becomes Rising

In the intricate tapestry of life, goodbyes are threads that weave our stories together. Exploring the art of bidding farewell is akin to navigating a labyrinth where each fall paves the way for a triumphant rise. You were tough to me you were. I went through a lot, suffering to the core – trying to gather the pieces of my hope and wishes I struggled hard to fight with what you have taken from me.

“You will surely be rewarded with better than what has been taken from you already”

I wonder what it could be that gives contempt, a feeling of fulfillment and restores my peace towards that feeling of lacking I have incurred. I tried all of it to sustain my peace but all in vain. It took 32 years of my life, my mother, my tolerance to limits, and the whole of me to fully understand what life wants to teach us, and with snoozed passing moments I realized it’s the art of “Letting go”. Yes, this is what I learned this year. I never wanted to learn it actually as letting go has always been a sad emoji for me :(

Seeing loved ones going, happy moments passing, and losing control over possessions upsets, depresses, and makes me lose my worth. But one should know the gratitude of getting and the humbleness of losing. This is what nature requires from us, if we are given all of it even without asking to we should be transparent enough to lose all of it wholeheartedly keeping the essence of living intact :)

In the grand tapestry of life, the art of goodbye is a masterpiece that unfolds with every twist and turn. Embracing the falls, learning from goodbyes, and rising with resilience are the brushstrokes that paint a portrait of personal triumph. So, as you navigate the intricate dance of farewells, remember that each goodbye is an opportunity for a flourishing rise.


"So the more you fall for Allah’s decree wholeheartedly, you rise as a better being every inch"

?A true living win-win :)

?~ Zainy




