Embrace the Change Curve!
Glenn McIntosh
Senior Vice President for Student Affairs and Chief Diversity Officer at Oakland University
I want to start this week's article by saying that my sincerest, unceasing prayers are going out for the health and safety of everyone everywhere during this time of the Coronavirus pandemic crisis. I offer condolences to the family and friends of those victims who have made their transition to a higher Heaven.
We are two weeks into the nation-wide effort to flatten the Coronavirus curve and everyone is feeling the effects of the sudden imposed changes, lack of control, and lack of social contact. Many people are finding themselves with a good deal of free time on their hands and in numerous cases they are uncomfortably restricted in their movements.
"Why are you still doing volunteer community work as COVID-19 terrorizes our nation?"
That was a question I received recently to which my reply was, "I would rather die for something than to live for nothing." I love helping people and I love helping them discover their dormant power and take the steps necessary to activate it. I also feel an intense spiritual urge to help people in their greatest time of need.
As I've navigated through many cities and towns lately, I am finding that once traffic-jammed streets are now somewhat lonely at rush hour. Parking lots are empty. Restaurants, entertainment venues, and schools are absent of people. I feel as though we are playing a weird game of hide-and-go-seek.
Where is everybody???
Yes, I know, you are living in compliance with an executive order that requires us to "Stay Home, Stay Safe." When we do find that we need to leave home to buy food or other "essentials", we practice social distancing to protect ourselves, our families, and those in our communities. Although, it seems ironic to me that the people who weren't really "living" prior to the Coronavirus pandemic, are now intentionally engaged in safe social practices...in an effort to live.
So were you one of those folks who was not living life to its fullest before the virus attack? During this time of crisis, when you are faced with the choice between living and dying, YOU have chosen to live. "Hallelujah!"
Now, here is another very personal question, and the point of this article, "Are you growing through the change curve?"
I would like to remind everyone that while this Coronavirus pandemic may greatly alter the way many of us live our daily lives, it also presents an opportunity to make important changes in our lives that will benefit us both today and far into the future. So, you must move through the change curve, which involves three stages: denial, doubt, and acceptance.
The truth is, we can't know what the future holds but we can control the ideas we hold and those ideas can lead to an accelerated movement toward the vision we see for ourselves. Now, that's exciting, but it can only happen if you get out of the denial stage, that we will soon return to our old lifestyle, and stop doubting your creative powers to reinvent yourself. See, our cultural norms have been shattered and the Coronavirus really has pressed the pause button on life as we know it.
It's time to embrace the change curve and stop focusing on what you have lost! You are being presented with an amazing opportunity to start testing and exploring what those changes mean; to learn the reality of what is good and not so good; and to discover how we must use our power to navigate our lives so that we can manifest those thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that nurture our new vision of a life abundantly filled with love, peace, purpose, and prosperity.
My challenge for you this week:
Grow through the change curve and never again allow yourself to slide backwards into denial or doubt.
- Write down your top three reasons for wanting to live beyond the Coronavirus pandemic?
- How will you demonstrate to others your passion to live for those three reasons?
- For the next three weeks, conduct a self-assessment to see if you are living in the denial, doubt, or acceptance stage of the change curve.
You know my desire for you!