"Embrace the art of doing less...."
Nigel Dupree
Project Director at S.M.A.R.T. Foundation - also known as: Legin Nyleve, LeginNyleve and @l3gin on other Social Media
Just a quicky comment, during the adverts while watching i-robot, on the above head / tag-line for Uber delivery.
Mmm. going to be ending-up more Dalek like, "one-eyed and legless" by 2050 if projects anything to go by vision loss and DVT's - scary.....
Half of UK Kid's obese, 50% more children suffering visual stress disruptions from lack of daylight and progressive myopia and/or asthenopia in the near indoors exacerbated by over-exposure to close-up use operation of sub-optimally colour calibrated display screens, eye-strain, computer vision syndrome, sleep disruptions, fatigue, lethargy, inactivity and seated immobility loafing around.