Embody Success by Delegating More
Success without hustle or burn out

Embody Success by Delegating More

Too much on your plate?? DELEGATE!

Seriously.? If you are feeling like there’s too much to do and not enough time to do it, this article is for you!? This post is also for you who are ready to uplevel your leadership skills.

Delegation is a current favorite topic of mine.? In my own life and work, I’ve delegated some tasks and responsibilities recently and I am so happy that I did.? I have so much more time now for doing high impact activities that I’m good at and the I love to do. My life and work experience are greatly improved!

A few months ago, I delegated grocery shopping to Kroger’s grocery delivery service.? $60/year for grocery shopping and delivery is an unbelievable deal. I’ll never go back to walking up and down the aisles filling my cart with grocery again.?

Years ago, I trained my sons to put their dishes in the sink instead of leaving them wherever they decided to eat.? A few months ago, I decided that I was tired of looking at a sink full of dishes when I got home from work or when I woke up in the morning.? I asked them to start rinsing off their dishes and putting their dishes in the dishwasher.? I wrote a note on a double-sided little chalkboard.? One side reads: Please put your dishes in the dishwasher.? The other side reads: Dishwasher is running.? Please use the sink.? And this transition has been very successful; the kitchen sink is almost always empty!!!? I am so pleased that I have delegated that task to the boys.? Sometimes one of them will even empty the dishwasher and put the clean dishes away!? BONUS!!!

In my role as a leader in Ally’s Veterans Employee Resource Group, I delegate tasks to my leadership team for every event that we plan and host.? I can’t and don’t want to do everything.? It’s my job as a leader to cast the vision for the events and help all of us work together to create a great event for our chapter members.? Also, by being a great leader, I set the stage for the next leader to come on board and not feel overwhelmed.?

For my workshop and coaching business, I made a firm decision that I would not burn myself out to build it and run it.? I knew that I would delegate others to do certain tasks.? I do the tasks that I am uniquely gifted at, and I pay others to do the rest.? I paid an attorney to do all my LLC legal work with the state (instead of trying to figure that out and do it myself).? I interviewed 3 social media managers, and I hired the one who really understood my business model and, in fact, gave me some great strategies.? I’m so happy to pay her.? I am grateful for her every day because she uses her skills and her time to help me achieve my business goals.? ?

Now, turn your focus inward.? Write down all the tasks that you are spending your time and energy on.

Identify the tasks that you don’t love doing. Maybe you’re not great at doing them.? You know you could hand off to someone else.? If it’s at work, this is a great opportunity for you to develop someone on your team.? That’s a win/win.? They gain new skills and you become a better leader.

Once you have your list, you can draw a matrix this like one to prioritize what you will delegate first, second, third, etc.?

Delegation Matrix
But really, you can make it simple.? If you don’t like doing something and can delegate it, you should.? You will be happy that you did.

This newsletter is called Embody Success and I like to make it very clear how each topic I write on can helps us embody success.

So, how does delegating more tasks and responsibilities help me embody success?? ?When I delegate tasks that are outside of my unique set of strengths to others, goals are achieved faster and better.

People who embody success know that their own time and energy is best spent on high impact activities in pursuit of a goal.?

I show trust in my team when I relinquish important tasks that they can do to achieve the goal.

I want to set the example of being a good delegator so that others have a great example to follow.? Some people need to see others delegating to give themselves permission to delegate.

Delegation can be easy.? Get your mindset right and decide that you will be the kind of leader who is great at delegating tasks and responsibilities to their team.? As you move up and grow as a leader, you will delegate more and more.

I encourage you to strengthen your leadership skills by delegating more.? As I’ve developed as a leader, I’ve learned to love delegation.?

What will you get off your plate and delegate next?

Warmly, Elissa

Email: [email protected]

Calendly: https://calendly.com/elissawatsonllc

PS Check out my upcoming workshops: Elissa Watson Workshops and Coaching Events - 1 Upcoming Activities and Tickets | Eventbrite



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