An Embodied Affirmation!
"Sloughing Towards Bethlehem!"
"Christian/Catholic Worker Gone Bad!"
"Feast of Carlo Acutis!"
October 12, 2024?
An Embodied Affirmation of Faith!
??? Today is the Feast of Carlo Acutis, who lived a life of embodied faith! He was a fifteen-year-old boy, who lived a life of giving and faith, On being told he had terminal cancer he said:
"Don't be afraid. Since Jesus became a man, death has become the passage towards life, and we don't need to flee. Let us prepare ourselves to experience something extraordinary in the eternal life."
The Doctor further told him he would have much pain, he smiled and said: "No worries, there are people who suffer much more than me, and may my suffering lighten theirs".
??? His child-like faith led him to a life of giving and sharing, far beyond his years, and into death with a strong belief in Jesus. His favorite saying was, "The Eucharist is the highway to heaven! Carlos was an embodied affirmation of faith!
??? Our world has demanded that we refrain from showing who we are. It's been this way for so long that the common reaction when the truth is shown in its rawest form is fear. That forces us to retreat to a safer place where nothing touches our hearts. We lick the wounds of our past! Our fears control our lives, and the more wounds we receive, the more fearful we become.
??? I am increasingly convinced that it is possible to live with the wounds of the past, not as wide-opening, gaping holes in the road that can not be filled, and keep threatening us as gateways to new life, as the healing wounds of Christ, and other spiritualities, like the "gateless gate" of? Zen, encouraging us to detach ourselves from the past and trust in the fullness of life which is our calling.?
??? Through the years I have sought to be accepted, respected, and loved in so many ways--from pleasing institutions, to basically selling my soul to please people. Carlo's life, words, and example have been a blessing in seeing life as a journey, of broken human beings and the call is to be faithful, not look back, and keep on!
??? Carlos once said: "The Virgin Mary is the only woman in my life,? We belong to the Body of Christ when we affirm God's invitation. This gives us power over and against the death-dealing forces of the world.
??? This woman and Jesus invite us to understand that life begins when our choices embody creativity and care. When we give and sustain life, there is real power and belonging! Deo Gratias!? Thanks be to God!
? Prayer of Carlos Acutis
Carlo gave food, and money, to the homeless, almost every day of his life, he practiced the command of Jesus to"love one another".
??? In these days of political division, war, and poverty, we are called to turn our eyes to God and find our oneness in each other.
????? Carlo understood at fifteen, and I am still learning:
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female--for all are one in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:28).
"Through the merits of this Angel of Youth, grant me the grace which I earnestly seek (ask the grace which you seek). Blessed Carlo Acutis, you who made your life a continual renunciation and setting aside of unimportant things, give me the grace to seek heavenly things and despise that which is transient. Amen."
May the work of
“figuring people out”
Never replace the work of knowing people
And loving people
And giving them room
To confound
And inspire
And surprise me
30th Anniversary Celebration
Victor’s Pizza
6 p.m.
November 9, 2024
WE ARE BEGGARS! WE REALLY NEED MONEY--Really Badly At the moment!
P.O. Box 642656
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(Temenos and Dr. River seek to remain accessible to everyone. We do not endorse particular causes, political parties, or candidates, or take part in public controversies, whether religious, political or social--Our pastoral ministry is to everyone!
Homeless People Are Made In God's Image!
Come Join us in Protest Against the Cruelty of the City of San Francisco!
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Polk side of City Hall
Temenos Catholic Worker
P.O. Box 642656
San Francisco, CA 94164
Dr. River Damien Carlos Sims, D.Min, D.S.T.