Embers Smoldering For Days On End
Holtz Realty

Embers Smoldering For Days On End

In spite of it not having dropped below freezing last night, I decided to dress warmly again after seeing how chilly it was this morning. For the first time today, I happened to notice a Redbud getting ready to bloom, along with being even more surprised when seeing another flowering tree blossoming just down the alley from my office.

There was some additional arranging I had to do in the back of my office before my first appointment arrived, and of course when it's the first time someone's been back there, their eyes are wandering everywhere. Too funny.

Those two appointments I had, kept me busy up near the time my eleven o'clock appointment was to arrive, and once I was finished with all of them, it was nearing the Noon hour, so off I headed to grab a light edible at a drive-thru, and of course the lanes were already filled to where they were four and five deep.

While waiting my turn to pay, I couldn't help noticing once again, how nearly all those ahead of me, were paying with either their credit/debit cards, or one of those phone apps which when touched, pays for a purchase. It used to be our younger crowd who'd be paying with plastic, but now it's become a habit of the middle-aged and senior crowds.

I'm believing all the more that I'm turning into a banking dinosaur. Oh well, you can bet I won't be paying with plastic or automatic debits until I absolutely have to, and only because I'm perfectly content with my checkbook journaling.

When I returned to office, I doctored up what I'd purchased, prepared a cup of hot tea, and sat down and continued reading something I'd started days ago, and had a good 'read while you eat' session. When speaking about eating and reading, I remembered reading a historical account of some famous family, where the head of the house would read out loud, passages from a book, just so his entire family would have something to listen to while they were eating. If I'm not mistaken, his book was on some sort of a raised swiveling platform with angled sides where it would stay open enough for him to read. The only thing a person would have to do with one hand, is to turn the pages. Hmm... I wonder if they still sell those book-reading platforms. I do remember back when I was in school, there'd be a giant dictionary in the library which sat open on a stationary platform which could be read while standing up. I'm sure they don't use those anymore, and all thanks to computerization.

I quickly discovered my having to make sure people call me before they'd arrive at my office's back door, just so I'd have time to run back and unlock it. Unfortunately my one o'clock appointment got disoriented when back at Commercial Alley, because he was down in the block south of me, so I had to go out and wait for him to walk a block farther north. After today's experience with people arriving without calling, along with not being able to find the back of my office, I'll have go digging for a wooden sign which I believe I still have that's got Holtz Realty carved into it. Unfortunately it's painted brown, so if Federal Avenue is going to be closed for weeks on end which I'm already suspecting, I'll have to get some sort of signage installed back there, along with possibly purchasing a wireless door bell.

Once the appointment with my buyer was finished-up, I called the seller and asked if he'd be able to stop by my office, just so I could go over the offer with him, and luckily he was able to be there in a half-hour's time. Once again, I had him waiting at the back door for me to go and let him in. Yes, this back-door business is already becoming annoying. Fortunately, my seller was agreeable to the terms and conditions of the purchase agreement, so I can now announce I've got another residence under contract, so in spite of a buyer walking away from a closing this week, I've at least got another sale much larger in the hopper.

After he left, I proceeded to the bank so I could get my buyer's earnest money deposited, and then ran a copy over to his attorney's office for review. I lingered at there a little longer, just to relay today's happenings over at the Kirk Apartments, and that being another fire having started under those three layers of rubble on the north side of that building. With this being the fourth full day since that fire started, I'll not be surprised if there'll be more embers smoldering for days on end which'll manage to ignite all the more open flames. Unfortunately, I was told by someone in the know, that The Kirk Apartment building will soon become nothing more than a memory. How terribly sad.

My late afternoon appointment, was to pick up a key and head out to look at a home which'll likely be hitting the market, and only because the seller wanted my opinion of its value. I didn't stay there long, and only because I really don't like being in structures in great need of clean-up and repair. I'll never understand how some owners can allow homes to fall into such conditions. I keep chastising myself whenever walking out of them, and only because I sometimes get a creepy feeling that some of those bad energies were having an effect on my over-all well being. It was happening today, which is why I didn't linger any longer than need be.

It was nearing the time for me to close-up shop when I returned, so I shut everything down, locked up, and headed out. Of course those patrons of that tavern two doors away, were already parked in two of my parking spots, which always causes me to bristle. In spite of my having a no parking sign posted, they pay absolutely no attention. Geez, you'd think they could at least walk less than a half block from that big public parking lot on 3rd Street NE. I'm sorry to say, we have far too many liquor dispensaries in this bloated village containing a 'special' few believing it's a top-drawer metropolis.

Tonight's One-liner is: Communities where injustices are promoted, never last.

original post ... https://niowarealty.net/life/2023/04/28/embers-smoldering-for-days-on-end/


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