Embedded.fm: Happy π Day!
Embedded is a show about engineering. We talk with a wide variety of educators, makers, entrepreneurs, and engineers.
It's 3/14 so that means it's (bad approximation of) π day! We hope you celebrate with a slice or a project in moderation. Also remember that the next irrational, transcendental constant celebration,?e?day, is coming up on April 12 (February 71st).
Ok enough of that, how about some cool things we've found.
Wowki, the online board simulator,?continues to get better and better. Now it will display live pin status in the board view, showing how each pin is configured, which peripheral they attach to, and their levels. Check it out:
Wokwi?has also been supported?within VSCode?for a little while now. You can write your code targeting a variety of boards and test right in the IDE with a simulator. The debugger even works! If you haven't checked Wokwi out yet, you really should, it's a great tool and it's free.
Speaking of VSCode, ST has finally made some steps to allow you to better deal with their Cube projects from within Microsoft's IDE. Brought to our attention via?Jonathan Beri, the?STM32 VS Code Extension?(their name, not ours) adds some handy convenience features for navigating projects, but to us the most important is "Create VS Code compatible projects from STM32Cube projects" which should ease some pain.
We haven't tried this yet, so let us know if it helps make transitioning away from CubeIDE a little easier.
Elecia discovered this week that it's pretty easy to save Google Colab workspace's directly to Github. Here's a writeup on how to do it:?https://medium.com/analytics-vidhya/google-colab-tips-easy-export-notebook-to-github-ec660e4b0922
If you haven't encountered?Google Colab?before, it's a very convenient way to write, run, and share Python (and other) code using Jupyter notebooks hosted on Google. And if you aren't familiar with Jupyter notebooks,?they are a fantastic tool for code exploration, giving you an interface that is simultaneously a code editor, execution and results browser, and document editor. It's super useful for education, exploration, or development of ideas. We do recommend getting started with Colab first though, as it's much friendlier. It's well documented from within the site itself.
Finally, this year's?Embedded Online Conference?is coming pretty soon (April 24-28) and?registration?is now open. It looks like many past guests and friends of the show will be speaking, it'll be a good one!
Upcoming Show
Our next episode will be released Thursday March 16 with?Charlyn Gonda! We had a great conversation about her amazing glowy light-sculpture projects and coming to embedded development from different backgrounds.
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