Embedded Systems Weekly #127
Welcome to issue #127! I hope you all had a great week coding, designing and testing your projects. It is now the moment to read the selection of links that I put together for you.
Happy reading!
The new Luos bootloader updates all boards without needing physical access to each of them. Now, it’s possible to update firmware on many microcontroller units (MCU) without needing a specific bootloader for each different board. Get Started →
After months without tutorials, Ben Eater delivers a new video as good as all the previous ones. Pedagogically, it is of high quality.
You know the drill to build a robust system: No dynamic memory allocation. This article gives you tips to configure your build in order to be sure that no malloc slipped into your final binary. As a bonus, you get a short introduction on how to use the linker cross reference.
Following this article, you’ll get your first module generated under 1 hour. In issue #91 I linked the tool chain Amaranth HDL an alternative to Migen for abstracting away standard HDL languages with Python. Check it out too.
A short but interesting article that explains why and how the assembly code generated is making a stack alignment.
For the fans of CP/M among us, this article will show you how to put together a CP/M based system so small that you can bring it with you everywhere all the time.
Ken Shirriff managed to pull out yet another article on something I didn’t know about the 8086. Please tell me that I’m not the only one who didn’t know about this bootstrap driver!
No details are let in the dark in this article. Every aspect of the pick and place control board is described clearly with nice illustrations. It is a really nice article to read.
This is a good introduction on why and how using shift registers.
Tools / Libraries
I’m keeping an eye on this lightweight tiny printf alternative. It is one year old and get a 1.0.0 release recently, but doesn’t have any tests. It could become interesting with a bit more QA.
A walk through of a FPGA-based (Xilinx Artix 7) PCIe hardware accelerator in an M.2 form-factor.