Embedded finance
Business is rapidly exploring the exciting opportunities presented by embedded finance!
It is well known that the profitability of a transaction is directly related to the time and cost inherent to being able to do the transaction. Many businesses have the opportunity to enact larger - and more transactions - but are often hampered by cashflow - the ability to fund such transactions to optimum benefit for the organization - without the risk of - "biting off more than you can chew" and landing up un-able to fulfill business commitments!
This often leads to missed opportunities - discarded opportunities related to the cost of execution - and general cashflow delays that can strain your business.
Embedded finance - is the trend in business to make finance an integral part of your business process. Many opportunities exist to ensure funding for deals - customers and projects as part of a specialist fintech provider - and drive more sales by creating an embedded finance model into your business process - allowing upfront payment for your business - a credit line that will allow you to extend payment terms for your clients- as well as displacement of credit risk!
The opportunity for growth is vast - through embedding a finance model into your business process - to ensure business growth - improved cash flow as well as incredible risk reduction!
Chris Scholtz 079 360 5903 or mail [email protected]