Embassy Attacks the Norm these Days
While scrolling through news channels and media news sites from around the world another attack on an embassy shows up short editorial about what happened and then the flood of photos meant to burn the horrible act that took place into your brain.
Take a close look at those photos matter of fact google embassies and look at the one thing most of them have in common! Wrought Iron gates, wooden gates, tin gates and you think these flimsy gates are going to stop 2+ tons moving at high speeds?
Look it may stop a horse and carriage or even a motorcycle but a car or SUV laden with explosives sorry you might just as well have no gate at all. I have built many luxury armored vehicles for embassies around the world and after thinking about it i have decided embassies don't want to put any substantial investment to the compound walls or gates instead those ambassadors need Mercedes armored vehicles, BMW armored vehicles, Cadillac armored vehicles much more than better compound protection.
These vehicles cost upwards of $250,000.00 to $350,000.00 dollars those gates and low cinderblock walls a fraction of the cost. The gates used now remind me of a manor or mansion entrance from the early 1900's it is 2017 people and you think terrorists are going to obey the law and stay away from your government property not likely and you certainly have not made it difficult for them to keep practicing breaching your gates.
Eventually regardless of how many guns you have inside the compound they are going to figure out the best method to breach your flimsy gates and storm your compound and all hell will break loose all because you would rather have that fancy armored vehicle instead of fortifying your compound.
I am in no way saying you don't need that armoured vehicle but i am saying you don't need that over priced luxury armored vehicle instead try a Toyota Land cruiser, Ford expedition, Chevy tahoe, or even a Yukon all a fraction of the cost. Your gates should be of blast and ballistic steel with drop rams, or even lift ramps to stop oncoming vehicles, how about control point obstacle to make any vehicle approach at very low speeds.
Replacing gates is not an expensive endeavor and could actually assist your guards in mustering together when an attempt occurs and the greatest thing is nearly any of your armor manufactures can build them.
Just look at these photos do you really think these will stop anyone?
Try these things maybe you will lose less personnel and end up getting fewer attacks.