Embarking on New Opportunities

Embarking on New Opportunities

By Tomia Lane, Social Media & PR Coordinator

In desperate need of change and growth, I told myself that 2024 would be the year I would really push myself outside my comfort zone and work on making more meaningful connections in my life. I had a few local organizations in mind, like New Memphis , that I believed could help me in achieving that goal. With the support and encouragement of the leadership at Hemline, I applied to the Embark Program and was accepted into the Spring 2024 Cohort.

Because I’m a bit of an introvert and tend to shy away from crowds, the welcome reception was the first real step of me getting outside my comfort zone. When I walked in and saw nothing but a spread of light refreshments and a few high-top bar tables with no chairs, I gulped. I knew that I really had to jump in and start talking to folks. I couldn’t just sit down and blend into the background. Even though I was nervous and apprehensive about potential judgment or not fitting in, I confronted those fears head-on. To my surprise, everyone I talked to was really approachable and genuine. It was refreshing to meet new peers from various industries and learn more about what they do and how they each contribute to our community. I left the reception that night feeling confident that I had made the right choice to apply to Embark.?

It was the following meet-up at BRIDGES when I realized I could really let loose and be myself around this group. This time I was seated at a table of about five and we were able to find a lot of commonalities with each other and easily work together. From the wacky ice breakers to the climbing wall, I hadn’t had fun like that with so many new people since college, or maybe even grade school. We were all just being silly, yet still so supportive of one another.?

In between sessions, we were asked to complete the DISCstyles assessment. I was a bit skeptical about the test considering how simple the questions were, but I was pleasantly surprised by my results. As I read through my 40-page report, I felt so seen and understood. I discovered that I am a strong ”S,” which stands for Steadiness. We learned how to recognize the behavioral styles of others and how to communicate and adapt with each style. I can definitely say this was my favorite part of the program.?

Another eye-opening experience was our “Leading with Values” class. We learned how to identify our core values through an exercise where we had to think of a peak experience in our lives and share it with a partner. As we described it, our partner wrote down the values they heard. I spoke about being on my high school newspaper staff, and how I loved interviewing my classmates and the creative freedom our editor gave to tell the stories that were relevant to us. That’s when I discovered that connection is one of my values. It was almost like a light bulb went off. Since childhood, I recognize that connection has always been important to me. It’s reflected in my personal choices, my career path, and it’s one of the main reasons why I joined Embark. It also fits my DISC style perfectly.

My advice to anyone thinking about applying to the Embark program is simple: Just apply. Seriously, Embark is an incredible opportunity for personal and professional growth, not to mention the chance to expand your network and get involved in the community. Personally, it has helped me tackle my fears of putting myself out there, like approaching strangers, introducing myself, following up afterward and cultivating new relationships. Plus, I learned a ton about myself and how to better connect with others. I’m leaving Embark with lots of new skills, experiences and friendships. As I move forward, I'm filled with gratitude for this opportunity and excitement for what lies ahead.?


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