Embark on a Reconciliation journey in Australia
Uluru - beautiful scenery during sunset

Embark on a Reconciliation journey in Australia

I must admit that when I was first tasked to prepare a “Reconciliation Action Plan” for our operations in Australia in April last year, much research was needed before I got a grasp of the historic and cultural complexity of this important step towards fulfilling our commitment to equality and equity. I was thrilled to be working with Julie Moore, our consultant and cultural liaison who taught me everything I needed to know at the starting point about the tangible and substantive benefits reconciliation brings to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and all Australians.?

After a year-and-a-half of learning and?hard work by our amazing Reconciliation committee, our “Reflect” Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) finally came to fruition. It was such a treat to be there in our Sydney WorkLife Centre with our Australia team to witness the launch of this programme, as I took a vacation in the country.??????

My journey in Australia started with two weeks of leisure travel, during which I visited the Uluru (aka Ayes Rock). This world-renowned wonder of Australia?is sacred to Indigenous Australians and is thought to have started forming around 550 million years ago.?Coming from a village that’s only about 120 years old, I could only imagine what 550 million year means to these inhabitants. As a visitor, you can discover the caves in which the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples lived and how they passed their wisdom on from generation to generation. When you are looking at this mesmerising scenery, you will be touched and understand why the First Nation strived to protect this land, its waters and every plant and animal.?

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Back to Sydney, at the launch event, I finally got to meet Julie to thank her in person for her guidance along the way. I was struck by the beautiful artwork by Gerard Black , a proud Worimi man and artist. His art pieces, which layered colours, shapes and landmarks from sacred lands in an interconnected tapestry of ancient designs and patterns, truly embodied our “Reflect” RAP’s message. Side note: I also had my first taste of some Australian delicacies: Sandwiches made with Emu, Crocodile and Kangaroo. Yum...

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Some say that there can be no reconciliation without reckoning. As part of the Steelcase team, I was grateful to have this opportunity to embark on its reconciliation journey with my colleagues in Australia – as I began to learn the true meaning of our initiatives to reflect, recognising the colonial injustices, trauma and lasting inequalities experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across all areas of life.

A big thank you to our RAP committee: Julie Moore , Jacinta Finger , Alex Kaw, Jason Taper, Susan Mardini, Vanessa Panotas, Andrew Dyer, Pearly Tan.?

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To learn more about Steelcase’s “Reflect” Reconciliation Action Plan and the next steps of our reconciliation journey:?https://bit.ly/3JlwKiE??



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