eMailPlatform meet the ‘Goliaths’
eMailPlatform is a new player in the North American market helping companies be successful with Digital Marketing Automation – we are ready to meet the ‘Goliaths’ and demonstrate that we have the 2018 equivalent of a slingshot to do it.
Our SAAS solution offers more and deeper functionality than any other solution at our price point, and we throw in a personal (and completely free) on-boarding experience that gives our customers success with their marketing strategies right off the bat.
Are You up to the Challenge??
We need you to stop by our website and sign up for a completely free experience, no strings attached – personal on-boarding service and we dish out free advice to make sure we help you test us out. We know you will stay on once you realize how awesome our solution is!
Get valuable insight and advice on Digital Marketing Automation
Follow us on LinkedIn! Followers automatically receives all the ‘good stuff’ we share around how to optimize Digital Marketing and how to grow your presence in the digital space through email, social media – easily and without any hassle.
eMailPlatform North America is proud to be paying it forward
Any registered Charity or NGO/Not-For-Profit organization is invited to license and use our solution for free, we feel honoured every time we can help a good cause!
Read more about eMailPlatform, and sign up. We are ready to help you on board, and please if you work for any charity or have friends that do, direct them to us, and we will help them and their cause for free - and be proud to help!