Emailing CEOs like a PRO

Emailing CEOs like a PRO

The human brain takes less than 8 seconds to determine if an email is worth replying, deleting, forwarding or marking as spam. We are impatient by definition, we have a short attention span, and we are impulsive. Behind computer screens we are brutal to the bone. Anything that doesn’t catch our attention is invaluable.

There's ONLY one right way to email a CEO. And that is by cutting the crap. Anything that is not impactful reduces the chances of your email being read.

Here’s an example of an email that may kill your career:

Sub: Business proposal that you will be interested in

Dear Mr. Jack,

How are you? I hope you had a lovely weekend (since when do you care how I’m doing?). My name is Justin Bieber and I work for boysondrugs LLC (so, we haven't met?). I have a good proposition for you (I’ll decide if it's good). I have been following your work and I really think we could work together (and I really think Santa is real. Let me decide if we can work together). Our company is based in South Park, Colorado and we are funded by Eric Cartman (why do I care?). We are working really hard at making chicken tastier. And we believe we do it better than KFC (seriously, stop talking). I would love to schedule a call with you (sure, in the next life). Looking forward to hearing from you.


Justin Bieber

The email above is a typical example of speaking without saying much. Being a pro at emailing CEOs is easy. All you need to remember is KISS - Keep It Short & Simple.

Emailing a CEO like a PRO:

Sub: Payment gateway encryption for “name of the app” OR Follow up - MobileBeat SF

Hi Jack,

Loved your "Innovation in Mobile Finance" speech at MobileBeat SF. I've been using your app for a few months now and it's quite helpful.

Our researchers noticed a payment gateway encryption issue in your app. And we have a solution that solves it and is quick to deploy. Let's get on a call next week and discuss?


Justin Bieber

Boysondrugs LLC

The "art" here is to write only what's necessary, to be impactful and to be catchy. Make sure you have an attractive Subject line (you wouldn't buy a product with bad packaging). Also make sure to:

  1. Do your homework - know everything Google has to say about your prospect (the CEO in this case)
  2. Presume that your competition has already approached your prospect. Write an email that proves your solution is better (keep it concise)
  3. Know all about your prospects product / service. If possible, use the product / service before you write the email. It will help you personalize your message.

Now go out there and work your magic. Good luck!

Fatima Ashoor

Director, Global Markets and Treasury

9 年

Love this!!!!!

Meghana Balaji

Strategic Partnerships & Advocacy I USL, Diageo, Bira91

9 年

I agree with Ammar. Language, diction, response are all relative. And I don't think any CEO would be comfortable being referred to by his first name or with a casual "hi". Good work on the What Not To Do example, though!

Ammar Radhi

Director @ ARYCO | Strategy, Technology, Finance

9 年

Agree, to some extent. It may not be a rule of thumb as cultural differences play a role.



