This Email has had a terrific response
Grab a coffee, pull up a chair, and spend 30 minutes listening to the reasons why you need an effective trade association.
Last week Libertatem sent out an email with this video link to 9,000 advisers and the response has been terrific
We've made a short video that we would love you to watch explaining why there has never been a greater need – or indeed, a better time – for an effective trade association.
For those with a short attention span, we've also produced an abridged version lasting less than four minutes.
All we ask is that you take the time to watch either one of them, then decide for yourself if Libertatem is for you
Accountability in the Regulatory Sector: 30 minute
Accountability in the Regulatory Sector: 4 minute video
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To join the industry's fastest growing trade association, complete our online application form or email us at [email protected] requesting a membership application form and we will send one out to you.
Membership fees start at just £240 per annum and go towards making a real difference to the way independent financial services are run in the UK, through lobbying, campaigning and representing the impartial advice community.
Together, we are stronger.
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