Email-Creation and Initiation
Velmurugen Subramaniam
Corporate Trainer || People & Culture || Learning & Development || Human Resource || HRDC Certified & Accredited Trainer (TTT) || MMIHRM || Passionate & Committed Towards Growth of People & Nation ||
Despite there are many of videos and tips on creating email and utilizing email effectively, there are yet to be a straight forward understanding on this topic.
Creating a Professional Email Address
You can create your email address by any means, words and number or even symbols. However, it is always a good practice if you can create email address that resembles your by your name. For Example my name is Velmurugen Subramaniam. So my preferred email address would be [email protected]/[email protected] or you can even add number in your address. Example [email protected]. [email protected], Sweetgirllucy@gmail, [email protected], though this emails looks fancy,however most of the time it does not suit for job application or for formal email communication.
Always keep your email address as professional or as relevant as it should be
Subject and Greetings in the Email Communication
Subject is primarily is the introduction of the email. As soon as a person receives your email, they should know the email the purpose pertaining to the email, hence subject should be simple and brief. Example "Job Application for Finance Executive", " Position Availability as XYZ Sdn Bhd" or "Job Interview Status"
Greetings is equally important to the subject and content of the body. Lets be real, nobody wants to received a rude or blind email someone leaving us to wonder the purpose. Always remember to include " Good Morning/Good day/ Dear/Hi/Greetings etc " in the beginning of your email. that couple of words might give out a good impression of you towards the reader.
Subject is the identification of an email which then introduces the email to the reader with a great knock on the door (Greetings)
Content-Introduction and Information
Begin your email content with the brief introduction on the purpose of the email and why you are sending it. It could be a information request email or information providing email. Never leave your reader what is that you really once as you might not be getting any reply if the purpose is not clear or simply denied. You may be specific on your request for example if you are applying job, you may mention that your are applying certain position in the prospect company. Another example could be you are applying leave for a festival, in this case be specific when and how many days you are applying for.
You can always state the action your required from them to provide the information gently by using word "Kindly Provide" or "Appreciate if you can provide". There are also other proper sentences which can be used for such action.
In the event if you had to attach document such as resume, application letter or any other relevant document, you will have to attached the document as "attachment" in PDF file. Picture format (JPEG etc) is highly not advisable. Attachments meaning as an clip to the email and not a direct paste on the content of the email. I have received hundreds of the email where people send over email by pasting the document as picture on in the email content and it makes me as the reader feel overwhelmed in a single sight.
As good as the start as the introduction is the closure should be as equally good too. A simple thanks and appreciate should a effective simple closure for any email.
If you have any expectation for certain email, you may as well state the expectation before the thanks just so it be a small reminder to the reader the purpose it serves.
Begining of all great job, project and business always starts with a excellent email communication.