The United Nations in Peace
The Preamble of the United Nations states :
to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and
to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and
to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and
to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples,
It may be seen that the very first line speaks on tolerance and living together in peace with one anther.
Kindly take into the developments since inception of the United Nations. We are proud of averting the third World War in last 75 years.
Is there peace and tolerance worldwide ? The responsibility of maintaining Peace is entrusted to the Powerful UNSC & International Court of Justice. Have they fared really well and stood against the test of time ? In fact, what ever conflict or disturbance we see traces its origin to one or more action of the founding powerful members.
We talk of SDG. It starts with Huger and at 16 it speaks about promoting Peace ,justice & inclusive societies. I do not deny the importance of all 17 goals and all the targets. Safe water, health ,education or governance all are important. Life under sea is also important and Climate Action is also important. It is also stated that all are interlinked. It is true and no one can deny that. The scope of MDG has just been enhanced to encompass all things good and necessary.
Kindly introspect on all the 17 goals. Take any existing case for study. Let us take Northern Ethiopia or any African country or say Afghanistan. All UN studies/World Bank studies and research give example of successful implementation of X Project or Y Project. When one goes in depth , the story that emerges is quite disturbing.
When there is no peace and there is no sense of tolerance . the immediate urge is struggle for survival.
In such a situation, once we are in, what can we think about other things ! COVID-19 has already taken more than 4.9 M lives. This sense of Insecurity will lead us no where. We have to think about our safety first, our security first. Other things may come later.
My humble Submission
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