ELTA Conference 2017
Two days of pure energy at #eltacon, with lots of insights from #legaltech pioneers all over Europe, new interesting friends, catch-up with old friends and a new perspective on how to move forward. Some thoughts I took with me from the conference:
- Legal Tech pioneers are faced with the same problems everywhere, and when we communicate and share local best practices we can solve them much faster.
- This conference format, where you let the information and thoughts flow freely, has obvious benefits compared with predefined presentations.
- When you put your local Legal Tech scene into a European context, you concentrate more on the strengths, rather than the obstacles. Specifically, for my geographic area of expertise - there are strong Legal Tech movements in many former-USSR countries, and if we start to think and act beyond borders, we can benefit tremendously.
- The culture in the legal business must change, and it will not change by (buzz)words, but by actions and education. Let’s put the market pressure to good use and show how lawyers can become more efficient, not redundant, by using technology.
- Enthusiasts make or break any movement, and there are plenty Legal Tech enthusiasts in Europe.
A big tip of the hat to the organizers, a job well done!