Ehijie Agbadu
Chemical Engineer, Data Analyst, Data Scientist, python developer, Machine Learning, Microsoft Power BI, Microsoft Power Automate, Microsoft Power App, SQL, Google Bigquery, Excel and Google Spreadsheet.
Elrond has developed a new approach to consensus which is called Secure Proof of Stake that links eligibility via stake and rating, validation of selection in a random manner and accurate dimension for the consensus group.
The consensus protocol will begin through the random manner sampling a little consensus group from all eligible or quality validators in the shard (for low communication) utilizing a randomness source that is gotten from the preceding block’s signature. There is no way the randomness source can be predicted before the signing of the preceding block. The sampling can be predictable or determined which means that for each node can compute the record of validators in the consensus group and the top node to be selected is the block proposer.
The block proposer will mass up transactions that result to novel block which will transfer the block to the validators in the consensus group for affirmation. It is expected that for each validator will verify the authenticity of the block, operate the transaction and when everything is verified will engage in the pBFT consensus. Voting operation in the pBFT is performed for each validator through sending a signature for a multi-signature plan of action. When the block proposer amasses more than 2/3+1 signatures from the consensus group users or members, the block will be regarded validated, the amassed signature can be jointed to the block and the block spread across the shard. The new signature will be used for the next consensus group by randomly sampled.
By this forthcoming fourth quarter, Elrond will be implementing their staking system and it will be good you know what you will be earning by securing the Elrond network. From the calculator you can depict from whatever ERD coin you will be holding for staking.
Website: https://elrond.com
Elrond Calculator: https://stakingelrond.com/
Telegram Group: https://t.me/ElrondNetwork