Elon Musk and Arunachalam Murugananthan Two Sides of the Same Coin

Elon Musk and Arunachalam Murugananthan

Two Sides of the Same Coin

Two Names representing Dreams are Bigger than Your Capacity

A Salute to Two Enterprising Individuals


Elon Musk – A name synonym to risk taking, visionary, and explorer.


Few takeaways from Elon Musk’s ambitious “Falcon Heavy” mission: -

1.   Be curious and excited to know what is there beyond what you can see and hear.

2.   Ideas and their execution do not have a “NO” or “NOT POSSIBLE”.

3.   Believe in your idea and complement it with a different way of executing efficiently and should be ground breaking.

4.   Look for what part of your idea could have wastage and create an idea of reducing or avoiding that wastage – so you create an idea inside another idea – the mission showed one very important thing, and that is the thrusters once in space returned back to earth, thereby implementing reusability in practice.

5.   Let the big fish be curious to study your idea – if they have rejected your idea.



Arunachalam Murugananthan – A visionary, problem solver, edu-enter-prenuer, job creator.


Few takeaways from Arunachalam Murugananthan’s efforts: -

1.   Identify common problems and try associating the same with your life and identifying what steps you will take to solve these problems.

2.   Do not be ashamed of trying your idea on yourself.

3.   Make your idea affordable, reachable, and scalable.

4.   Put your efforts in educating people about your idea – do not try convincing them.


