Elivate Your Problem Solving Game
Hanna A. Teklit
Marketing Strategist | Thought Leader | Entrepreneur | Advisory Board Member
Problem-solving is a skill frequently highlighted on resumes, praised in leaders, and deemed crucial for business growth. However, a common pitfall often awaits: we frequently find ourselves solving the wrong problems. Albert Einstein once wisely remarked, "If I had an hour to solve a problem, I'd spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions." In other words, the emphasis should be on the importance of effective diagnosis. The challenge is clear: how do we ensure we're tackling the right issues? The following ten steps are game-changers that will elevate your problem-solving prowess.
1. Problem Framing: The Crucial First Step When confronted with a problem, our natural inclination is to immediately seek a solution. However, this haste can lead to misguided efforts. During this step, it is paramount to take a step back and ask two fundamental questions: "What is the problem we're trying to solve?" and "Is there a different way to perceive the problem?" This initial pause for reflection can make all the difference.
2. The Art of Reframing Asking yourself if there's a different way to think about the problem is the first step in reframing. This stage involves viewing problems from various angles or perspectives to uncover fresh and innovative solutions. By reframing, you can identify aspects of the problem that might be more relevant to address than your initial assumptions allowed. It's akin to opening a door to a world of creative possibilities while silencing emotional reactions.
3. Rapid Implementation: The Need for Speed Effectively implementing problem reframing in meetings and daily work demands speed. Spending excessive time delving deeply into the problem can be impractical. The goal is to make reframing a swift and efficient practice that doesn't hinder productivity but enhances it.
4. Challenging Assumptions: Thinking Outside the Box Another crucial aspect of this approach is questioning assumptions and labels associated with the problem. Rather than assuming a problem is purely a communication issue, consider whether it might be related to incentives, emotions, timing, or other factors. This process challenges your thinking and opens doors to new possibilities.
5. Seeking Positive Exceptions Identifying situations where the problem didn't occur can yield insights into what makes the problem persist. This positive perspective can be a powerful tool in your problem-solving arsenal.
6. Multicausal Problems: Embracing Complexity Traditional problem-solving methods often focus on finding a single root cause, which may not be effective for complex, multicausal problems. Reframing acknowledges that problems often have multiple causes and encourages exploration of various solutions, recognizing that a problem's origins may be multifaceted.
7. A Complement to Experimentation Reframing is a great complementary approach to experimentation. Experimentation focuses on finding solutions, while reframing concentrates on understanding the problem better. These two approaches can be formidable allies when used together.
8. Shifting Mindsets: From Solutions to Questions Shifting from offering immediate solutions to asking questions and challenging your thinking can be a daunting but immensely valuable transition. We live in a work culture that views questions as a form of questioning authority and capability. Questions should be contemplated and taken seriously because they encourage a more profound understanding of problems and open up new possibilities for resolution.
9. Continuous Improvement: A Skill Worth Cultivating Reframing should be seen as a skill that improves over time. While checklists and frameworks can provide initial guidance, the ultimate goal is to develop a mindset that naturally questions and reframes problems as they arise. It's an ongoing journey toward becoming a more effective problem solver.
By reframing problems, asking critical questions, and challenging assumptions, you can unlock your creative problem-solving potential. Whether you're facing a persistent challenge or seeking innovative solutions, problem reframing can be your secret weapon for success. Embrace this transformative approach, and watch your problem-solving abilities soar to new heights.