Elite6 Point of Difference
Image by Mode de vie Photography - www.modedevie.co.nz

Elite6 Point of Difference

I believe what we offer is one of a kind. Our main point of difference is, members get to talk for 5 minutes each in a table of up to six. This is where we get our name from.

Members don’t come to pitch their businesses or just to hand out their business cards. We build strong relationships with like minded people. These people become walking ambassadors and this is where the magic happens, leads and referrals come naturally. We are a supportive environment and we focus on start ups and small to medium sized businesses who want to grow. Over time you become part of our business family.

Elite6 has a completely different structure to other business networking companies. We are not focused on just one industry in each group, as long as a member goes to their home group regularly you can also visit other groups as a guest or give a presentation of value as a Pop Up Speaker.

So instead of your business networking group being limited to 15 to 25 people over time you can be introduced to the larger business family of 120+ members.

Other unique differences are, we’re not going to hold you to referring people within Elite6, our policy is you refer the best person for the job even if it’s outside of our networks.

I also feel we offer the best value for money. We have two membership fees, the main one is $708 + GST per year and to keep it affordable for our target audience, we let people pay this via automatic payment at $59 + GST per month. We don’t have any fixed contracts so if it’s not working for you, you can stop at anytime, we do appreciate a months notice.

Elite6 Gold membership fee was introduced in 2019. This is for people who want to be the only person in the industry in their group, we don’t encourage it, but it is available. These members need to be regular and can only miss six meetings per year to maintain Elite6 Gold.

We introduced Elite6 Gold for two reasons;

I really believe that good business networking is not about one industry in each group. It’s about supporting people in business and sharing their knowledge, skills and experience with likeminded business people.

The other reason, a lot of the key industries needed to make a successful business networking group flourish, often can’t make meetings regularly. However it’s of real value having a Lawyer, Accountant, Real Estate Agent, Insurance and Mortgage Adviser on hand at each meeting we run, the group growth is limited without them. They all have their own strength, so yes they may overlap a little, but they all excel with their own specialty.

We also have a wealth of talent within our organisation. We support our members to run workshops, helping to educate other members who are just starting off on their own business ventures. These workshops range from how to market your businesses online, creating a good sound business plan, office administration training, e-commerce workshops and how to dress for success.

Another thing - our Think Tank meetings are working really well for us. Elite6 Central is our Think Tank meeting. It provides a central place at the end of the week where members from the other groups have the option to meet the larger Elite6 business family. It’s an open discussion group, a place for brainstorming and problem-solving, ideal for entrepreneurs, startups or jobseekers. These have been proven so successful that we are now inviting people of influence along.

So if you are new to business or maybe just found yourself unemployed and looking for new opportunities, I thoroughly recommend coming along to our think tank meetings on Friday mornings. You can come along and listen to other like minded people ask questions and get advice and become part of a business family that really does care.

We offer a 30 Day Trial, with this you are entitled to 4 consecutive meetings and this also includes the combined Think Tank meeting on Fridays. Once you are a full member this enables you to be a Pop Up Speaker and give a presentation of value at any Elite6 Group. You can also request to visit up to one other Elite6 group per week. We encourage you to do your trial at one group. The purpose of the trial is to give you a taste of what Elite6 is offering and to see if we are a good fit for each other.

Our mission is to support small to medium sized businesses to develop and promote their business through our networking programme, online Classifieds Directory and App.

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