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As a serial entrepreneur, leader, and manager, leading exponential growth since the '80s, I've curated the top 20 things ELITE PERFORMERS do that turn into millions. I've distilled my 4 decades of blood, sweat, and tears learning things the hard way into days in this article for anyone who's passionate about what they do and would like a shortcut to being the very best they can be, an ELITE PERFORMER.


1.???? Get into state before they do anything.

· They’re extremely early risers to have time to work out, meditate, incantate, journal, set an intention, and get highly charged into an unshakeable state of high vibration, mentally, emotionally, and physically. Their brain is relaxed, they have good hormones running through their body, their best ideas surface during this time and they charge into their day ready to conquer the world.?Many would call this flow state.

· They have gratitude and see the glass as half full.

· They’re often super physically fit.


2.?Are beyond confident – they are certain.

· They have zero doubt that they will achieve their goals and wake up each day doing what is necessary to achieve them without hesitation or doubt.


3.?They are resourceful.

· They’re very resourceful, strategically creative, and have a growth mindset.? They know that there are at a very minimum 3-5 ways to do anything. They don’t give up. They find a way. This is often the reason why some survive during times like Covid, or not.? They know how to pivot.

· They believe in possibility.


4.?Have a noble purpose.

· They’re people who sell with a noble purpose, who strive to improve their customers’ condition, and because of this, they outsell people focused on revenue targets and money.

· They know that purpose drives profit, not the other way around.

· They have a mesmerizing belief in their value and find great meaning in their work.

· Their chosen profession isn’t about the money, it’s about a deeper purpose of doing what you love and being of service, a blessing to others.? This is success.

· They’re deeply passionate about their business. You can’t create passionate clients without being passionate yourself. Without passion, you’re a transaction, and it’s just a job.

· They’re genuinely emotionally engaged, and it shows in their caring for their clients and creating the best possible outcomes.

· They are go-givers, not go-getters. They are the 1st to give without expectation as being of value to their clients is their focus.

· They’re vibrationally aligned, inspired vs. driven in their work so their energy is inexhaustible.


5.?Stand out from the crowd.

· They know their distinct excellence and articulate it so impactfully that the client convinces themselves that there simply can be no other choice.

· They share their passion, purpose, and distinct excellence with everyone they touch because they want to help as many people as possible.? They truly believe in what they do and are vibrationally aligned. There is no shame.

· They outperform competitors when pitching or consulting due to their professionalism, thoroughness, and effective client expectation management. No one holds a candle to their consultations.

· They know that without differentiation, you’re just a commodity.

6.?Have a platinum reputation.

· They’re principled seeing themselves as a role model holding themselves to extremely high standards of conduct, communication, and integrity regardless of whether in a professional or social setting.

· They’re respected, good to work with, often the most generous, and well-liked by all.

· People talk behind their backs in an adoring fashion.

· Often a mentor or industry educator.


7.?Don’t fear failure.

· They are fearless when it comes to failure. They don’t let fear or failure stop or derail them — it’s a motivator and they will find the lesson when things go wrong.? They go after Moby Dick in a rowboat and take the tartar sauce with them.


8.?Focus on only what moves the needle.

· They’re very clear on what is “busy” work and what actually moves the needle. They either farm out “busy” work or drop it altogether because they know actions that move the needle are “business critical” and “busy” work is simply “nice to have.”

· Instead of doing what’s easy, or convenient, elite performers make a habit of doing the things that’ll make them the most money, the soonest.? They prioritize.?


9.?Create raving fans.

· They add way more value than anyone else, so much so, that their clients rave about them to their friends and family. They know their only limitation in their business is their imagination.

· They deliver service levels and outcomes beyond expectation crushing the competition. They know their job within their team is to operationalize and uphold the vision, mission, guiding principles, and standards on a daily basis.

· They surprise, delight, and often WOW the pants off their clients by taking a customer-intimate approach versus being a marketer (i.e.: sending a note or gift of appreciation that is very personally touching and tailored to the client vs. sending the same gift basket to every client).

· They’re committed to continuous and never-ending improvement, are constantly looking at how they can raise the bar in their business above and beyond the status quo and their own current standards, and fearlessly ask for their client’s feedback on how they can improve regardless of how things went.


10.?Are highly skilled.

· They continuously and never-endingly invest in personal and professional development.

· They strive for perfection but settle for excellence.

· They are the Jedi sales masters.

· They have the best people skills on the planet; they’re self-aware, active listeners, well-spoken, well-mannered, and expert negotiators.

· When they speak, people listen.

· They’re the group most known for being warm, genuine, and charming.? They’re polished.

· They have mentors and coaches to uplevel their skills, expedite personal and professional growth, illuminate their blind spots, blow up self-limiting beliefs, and maximize opportunities they cannot see for themselves.

· They have proximity. They know that to be successful in anything, they find someone who has already achieved the results they want and model them. They know this is how you create a pathway to power: and compress decades into days.


11.?Have accountability engrained in their life.

· Elite performers have accountability all over the place in every aspect of their lives including nutrition, exercise, lead generation, arriving at a certain time to the office — the list goes on and on.

· They don’t make excuses and they’re never late. No matter what.


12.?Formulate clear goals, and plans to achieve and set timeframes.

· They prioritize, time block, and stay focused to complete and achieve what is business critical.

· They don’t waste time and are keenly aware of the revenue and expense clock that never stops ticking.

· They know their numbers and key drivers and how they are doing daily in relation to their daily, weekly, monthly, and annual goals.


13.?Have a strategy and actionable plan.

· There is no willy-nilly in their personal and professional life.

· They have a strategy, and executable plan, and are executing it day in and day out without fail. They know their career and business is not a sprint, it’s a marathon.

· They proactively plan and organize themselves and their business always knowing what they will be doing before the year, month, or week even begins.


14.?Have a schedule & routine and discipline.

· They get up earlier than anyone else to maximize their day. They’re disciplined with their time and stick to their schedule and routine.

They use their time wisely.? They say no to a lot of things that are a distraction knowing everything they do is either contributing towards their goals or taking away from their goals personal or professional.

· They know that their future is created by the habits, patterns, and choices they make today.

· They have discipline. They know that often the right next step or choice is the hard one.

· They're discerning and selective in what they eat, read, listen to, watch, and whom they hang out with. Many do not drink and more and more are following suit.


15. Test, measure, and repeat.

· They do one new strategy at a time until it proves out and then layer on a new initiative, then they test, measure, and repeat.


16. Prioritize lead generation.

· They spend more time than anyone on lead generation and cultivation and their income proves it.


17. ?Leverage the #1 most powerful marketing method in the world.

· It's called word of mouth. It's the most underutilized and most powerful method of marketing. Most companies spend 95% of their budget on advertising and promotion when it has the lowest return to spend. Referral building has the highest return and the lowest investment.

They have a minimum of 10 groups of contacts that they consistently nurture to generate referrals and reciprocate wherever appropriate. It’s their primary focus because referrals are the highest quality lead, highest close ratios, shortest sales cycles, are the most profitable, grind the least, send you their friends and family, and are the nicest clients you can have, in general.? And by the way, they’re free.

· Examples: past clients, leads, and prospects, industry sectors that serve the same consumers, lifestyle groups, professional networking groups, charities, volunteer work, local business organizations, industry associations and events, education alumni, former colleagues and associates.


18. Use their CRM religiously.

· It ensures the continuity of their relationship with clients, past clients, leads, prospects, their sphere of influence, strategic alliances, and industry contacts.

· They know it’s their golden goose that not only produces golden eggs during the normal course of business but it’s also an asset that they can sell in the future that any discerning buyer will insist upon is optimized and current.

· They know that by consistently nurturing the contacts in their CRM they are staying top of mind and becoming another source of where good quality referrals come from.

· It allows them to set future dates of contact so that they don’t forget any leads, prospects, clients, strategic alliances, industry contacts, and spheres of influence.


19. Are the best dressed in their industry.

· Their car, their hair, their frames, attire, and accessories are current and impeccable.


20. Have personal and professional leverage.

· They have a bookkeeper, a virtual assistant, a housecleaner, a grocery shopper, a meal delivery service, a social media provider, a landscaper, or whatever service they need that allows them to use their time more doing what they love, helping as many people as possible with their expertise and being rewarded with income.


I coach, consult, and guide female business owners on how to atomically power their businesses to their full potential by maximizing lasting profitable revenue and creating clients for life through an extraordinary experience. www.karenjamison.com


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