#SCHOOLSHOOTINGS There is a certain level of Risk in everything that we do daily in our lives….home, work, travel, school, etc., etc., and everywhere in between. As I have read, seen, cried and reflected on the many related sad news, postings, sharings on school related shootings and their catastrophic consequences, the following question arose in my mind: “Can the Risk Governance, Management, Analysis and related systems & processes used successfully over the last decades in industry beneficially assist Government, School Boards, Schools, Teachers, Parents to address their respective current hazardous environments in a systematic, effective, orderly manner to identify & apply value adding solutions to minimize the possibility of such future events while minimizing their potential consequences .” In my opinion, this process would provide and allow the given entities to identify the potential causes for their specific hazards, prioritize how best to minimize the given risks in their specific situations, implement these solutions in an orderly manner over time versus availability of the required resources (people, time, money, etc.). It must be noted, however, that Risk cannot be totally eliminated….it can be quantified or qualified….defense mechanisms and safeguards put in place to reduce it, solutions implemented, governed/managed/monitored, audited, and the system continuously improved upon.

This suggestion is intended to be a very small pebble of thought in a huge ocean that has caused great human misery over the last decades. It will not solve all the problems nor totally eliminate this terrible plague that has impacted so many of our youngsters, their families, communities and our nation. I invite your feedback and related thoughts if this could be a value adding approach to the current state with its mission being to minimize the possibility and potential impact of future attacks in our schools.  

But, most important of all, please personally do whatever is within your influence or power to eliminate the root cause of these senseless tragedies….thanks


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