Eliminate Half-Assed Incident Reporting
SafetyIQ - Predictability at work.
SafetyIQ safeguards workers using the power of data-driven insights and predictive analytics
Welcome back Safety Studs!
This week we're diving into workplace incidents and accidents. Well more importantly, how to spring into action and learn from workplace incidents, rather than having very red skin from repeated belly flops.?
So how do we avoid the belly flop??
Half assed reports to be compliant or"address and forget" risk another accident occurring. Instead, effective reporting and investigation allows you to turn the accident into an opportunity to improve worker safety.
You uncover safety gaps and implement proactive safety measures that are relevant to your workers.?
On top of this, that safety culture we're all striving for builds up because your workers know you care for their wellbeing and actually fix safety issues.?
As a starting point, we've attached an Incident Report Template that covers all the minimum requirements of data entry, and prompts effective incident investigation.?
Incident Report Template
This template will give you the fundamentals for turning any incident into a thorough investigation that improves your workplace safety!
HSE Snippets
Reporting Incidents in Australia
Persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) must report accidents, incidents, near misses etc. to the following numbers:
QLD - 1300 362 128 SA - 1800 777 209 NSW - 13 10 50 VIC - 13 23 60
WA - 1800 678 198 NT - 1800 019 155 ACT - 13 22 81 TAS - 1300 366 322
Automated Audit Logs Transforms Reporting
Retrieving information for your reporting doesn't have to be like searching for a needle in a haystack. With JESI's Safety Solution, data is?captured automatically on the go. One of our clients used these time stamped audit logs as the report itself! Find out more
Incident Reporting Industry Analysis
Did you know? The Manufacturing Industry has the highest number of reported incidents in QLD? See the data