Elf on the Shelf – Fun or Torture for Parents?
Word on the street is that parents either love coming up with fun, creative ways to display their family’s Elf on the Shelf or have a visceral reaction to even thinking about another place in the house to stage it. This is our first year embarking on the journey. We got off to a great start, then on day 4, we realized in the early morning hours that we forgot to move our Elf. Never in my life have I broken out into a cold sweat so fast. I quickly realized why fellow mom friends set a calendar reminder every night on their phones. I have since set 2, just in case.
As a rookie EOTS parent, I don’t have many words of wisdom to impart on what it takes to be a parent who thrives in this role. However, a couple of weeks in, I have an idea of what it takes to make sure this year’s Elf on the Shelf experience is memorable in a good way
1.??? Set Calendar Reminder
2.??? Keep Elf High Up – This removes the temptation to touch the Elf for your little ones even if they understand they shouldn’t.
3.??? Have a Plan
4.??? Use Kids’ Toys
5.??? Don’t Stress Yourself Out
The jury might still be out on whether Elf on the Shelf is truly fun or torture for parents, but in our short stint on EOTS parents, we are having a blast
So, cheers to every EOTS parent out there. Enjoy it, embrace it, and Calendar Reminder it.