Elevating Test Automation with JSON Data Providers! ??
In the realm of test automation, efficiency and simplicity are paramount. Today, let's dive into a powerful technique using JSON files as data providers, making our automated tests more dynamic and maintainable. ????
The Foundation: Lombok and GSON
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Utilizing Lombok and GSON streamlines our code, reducing boilerplate and enhancing readability. Now, let's see how we apply this in our test data classes.
The Data Model: BaseData and LoginData
public class BaseData {
private String testCaseID;
private String testCaseDescription;
public class LoginData extends BaseData {
private String userName;
private String passWord;
private String message;
Efficient JSON Processing with Gson
This class seamlessly reads JSON files, processes the data, and converts it into a format ready for consumption by our test methods. ??? The elegance of Lombok, the efficiency of Gson, and the strategic use of Java - a winning combination for data-driven success! ????
public class DataProviderJSON {
public static <T extends BaseData> Object[][] processJson(Class<T> clazz, String fileName, String id) {
try (InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(fileName), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) {
ArrayList<ArrayList<? extends BaseData>> testData = new ArrayList<>();
List<T> jsonData = new Gson().fromJson(reader, TypeToken.getParameterized(List.class, clazz).getType());
e -> {
if (e.getTestCaseID().equals(id)) {
testData.add(new ArrayList<>() {
return toArray(testData);
} catch (IOException e) {
return new Object[0][0];
//Streamlined Data Conversion with toArray() Method
private static Object[][] toArray(ArrayList<ArrayList<? extends BaseData>> data) {
int noOfRows = data.size();
Object[][] dataArray = new Object[noOfRows][1];
for (int i = 0; i < noOfRows; i++) {
dataArray[i][0] = data.get(i).get(0);
return dataArray;
Data-Driven Testing in Action
public class LogInTest extends BaseTest implements IExecutionListener {
private static final String FILE_PATH = "src//Login.json";
@DataProvider(name = "LogInTestData")
public Object[][] getLogInTestData(final Method testMethod) {
String testCaseId = testMethod.getAnnotation(Test.class).testName();
return processJson(LoginData.class, getTestDataFilePath(FILE_PATH), testCaseId);
@Test(testName = "TC-1",priority=1,,dataProvider = "LogInTestData")
public void loginTest(final LogInTestData data) {
LogInPage login=new LogInPage();
login.loginTotheApplications(data.getuserName(),data.getpassWoed(), ,data.getmessage());
The magic happens here! We fetch test data from a JSON file based on the test case ID, creating a seamless and dynamic data-driven testing approach.