Elevate your website campaigns with our new predefined templates and refreshed builder

Elevate your website campaigns with our new predefined templates and refreshed builder

We are happy to introduce you to the latest update to Synerise's Dynamic Content module, which saves you a lot of time and opens up more room for creativity and new ideas.???

Dynamic Content now comes with a refreshed Template Builder and a diverse range of new predefined templates to help you easily craft compelling communications.??

Template Builder?

To streamline the process of creating dynamic content, we have refreshed the Template Builder, which now gives you more flexibility and convenience in creating different templates. You may already be familiar with this builder from the recent update to the in-app messaging.?

The refreshed builder greatly facilitates users without coding skills, serving a user-friendly interface that allows easy editing and customization of templates without any technical background. All you need to do is create a single template and define the template's properties and values, which will appear as editable variables from the configuration form.?

Brak alternatywnego tekstu dla tego zdj?cia

You can make changes to a variety of variables, starting from the simplest, including font, color, title, description, buttons, and any other elements in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You can also customize dynamic values, such as Jinjava elements or recommendation campaign IDs, and much more.

For more detailed information on how to use the Dynamic Content template builder, check out our User Guide.?

Predefined templates??

Our new predefined templates cover the most popular and useful business scenarios that you might want to use in your organization. We organized them into three folders, each of which is dedicated to the different types of DC content.??

Brak alternatywnego tekstu dla tego zdj?cia

Each folder contains ready-made templates that can be easily inserted into your website's code or displayed as popups on your website's layer. Additionally, we have also included predefined scripts that enable you to perform essential processes without any hassle.?

Our diverse range of templates offers a broad selection of scenarios, including cookie banners, subscription and survey forms, timer objects and popups, recommendation carousels, abandoned cart popups, messages and banners with buttons, opinion avatars, and much more.?

Brak alternatywnego tekstu dla tego zdj?cia

There is no longer a need to create templates from scratch. Instead, simply choose a template that suits your needs and customize it to your preferences using a user-friendly configuration form. It's that simple!?

The Scripts templates folder contains a variety of useful script templates that support a wide range of advanced scenarios and integrations. Among the newly added templates are scripts for uploading data to DataLayer, a dispatcher for generalized AB tests, and a script that matches an analytics ID to a Synerise client for advanced data synchronization scenarios with Google Analytics.?

Check out the new use cases?

This use case outlines the implementation of dynamic content with recommendations for similar items.?

This use case describes the implementation of dynamic content with abandoned cart notification.?

This use case illustrates how to send propensity to buy prediction results for a specific brand to Datalayer.?

Klaudia Pociecha, Product Owner

Kateryna Tkachuk, Product Marketing Specialist



