Elevate Your Railway Insights
Welcome to this issue of Sensonic stories. It's packed with railway insights which include:
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Eyeing up next level railway security
We start with some exciting product news. We've given our security application eyes with CCTV integration. So not only can you hear security threats, where you have nearby CCTV you can see them too.
We asked what our readers thought what their biggest climate challenges were. We got some interesting results. And we'll explore these in our current and future blogs.
Here is the first one in the series - Heat
Weather on the warpath - Heat
We explore how high temperatures affect the reliability of different rail infrastructure parts and some ideas on how to deal with the stresses of heat. The infrastructure explored includes:
The sense of a sensor-less railway
Traditional track monitoring relies on physical sensors, often many of them, but these can be expensive, difficult to maintain, cover only small areas and are prone to obsolescence. We explore how sensor-less wayside sensing (using fiber optics) can deliver a simple and secure system to monitor multiple railway insights with a single long-range technology.
AI on Track
We decode AI hype, and look at what Artificial Intelligence on track can actually offer now and in the future. We explore both pros and cons for railways (and perhaps dentists too!), aiming to demystify some of the different types of AI.
Sensonic goes Stateside
We opened our first official US office in Princeton, New Jersey. Woohoo!
We're pleased to be bringing railroads the latest technology and AI to improve safety and efficiency.
Interested in railway infrastructure monitoring via fiber optic sensing? Want to know more or request a demo?
Our Sensoniacs are the people that keep us (and hopefully you) on track. They've been out and about too.
Our R&D Director Christoph Wiesmeyr presented at a TüV SüD event about training safe tech and exploring functional safety in railways.
Karina Iglseder appeared at DATA festival to gather knowledge, inspiration and network over the 2 day AI and data conference in Munich.
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