Elevate your legal expertise with SALTed and Afriwise, Competition Law Alert: Uganda, and More on the New Nigeria Expatriate Employment Levy
Nigeria - Goldsmiths ?
What you Need to Know about the New Nigeria Expatriate Employment Levy
The Expatriate Employment Levy handbook was recently issued by the Ministry of Interior and was launched by the Nigerian president, on 27 February 2024. The Expatriate Employment Levy is a government-mandated contribution imposed on companies that employ expatriate workers in Nigeria. According to the Nigerian government, the Levy is aimed at addressing the wage imbalance between the expatriate employees and local employees, whilst also protecting the local job market. Continue reading
Tanzania - FB Attorneys
Proposed Bill Seeks to Amend Mining Act
The Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill, No. 4 of 2024 intends to amend the Mining Act, amongst other laws. This update focuses on the proposed changes that are key to the Mining Act. Continue reading
Uganda - Katende, Ssempebwa Advocates
Competition Law Alert: Uganda passes the Competition Act 2023
Uganda’s arduous journey to a domestic general competition law regime that started 20 years ago in 2004 has culminated in the passing of the Competition Act 2023. The Act has the stated objective of promoting and sustaining fair competition in markets in Uganda as well as preventing practices that could have an adverse effect on competition in markets in Uganda. Continue reading
by Africa Risk Consulting (ARC)
On 27 February 2024, the Federal Government of Nigeria launched the Expatriate Employment Levy Management System (EELMS) Program to oversee expatriate employment in the country, necessitating employers to pay an Expatriate Employment Levy for hiring expatriates.
On 25 January 2024, Parliament passed a proposed National Security Bill. The proposed law aims to update the concept of national security and introduce a new organisation for institutions, bodies and services within the national security system. It proposes centralising national security matters with the president, allowing for internet shutdown, public and private police searches, and the criminalisation of citizens who do not report on their fellow citizens.
South Africa
On 27 February 2024, the Information Regulator issued its first Enforcement Notice as a result of a direct marketing complaint. The Enforcement Notice was issued to FT Rams Consulting following a finding that it had contravened various sections of the Protection of Personal Information Act. Among others, the notice ordered the immediate cessation of unsolicited direct marketing messages; that the first communication sent to data subjects is one requesting consent and that there may be only one approach for consent; and that the company must compile and maintain a database of all data subjects who had previously withheld or did not consent to receiving unsolicited direct marketing messages.
Elevate your legal expertise with SALTed and Afriwise
Afriwise is proud to partner with the?South African Legal Technology Network ?on their edtech offering. Afriwise is steadfast in its commitment to democratizing access to legal intelligence. Education is a fundamental pillar of this, and we support SALTed in their ambitions to empower African legal professionals to stay at the forefront of this rapidly evolving landscape.
Their inaugural course, "Fundamentals of Technology Contracts in Africa," is scheduled to commence in March 2024.
We are happy to be able to provide you with an exclusive offer on this course that promises to elevate your legal expertise!
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We are very excited to welcome?Linda Awuor and Inge Papp as the newest members of our Content Team!? Our new additions will bolster our editorial capabilities, a cornerstone function of Afriwise ?that enables us to provide quality legal content across Africa and beyond. We are thrilled to be broadening our team with the best talent out there!