Elevate Your Business With Custom Development

Elevate Your Business With Custom Development

Finding the right areas to invest in custom development doesn’t have to be so difficult. Here are a few things you need to know to make the right choice.

Custom Development Drives Business Differentiation

You can carve businesses into two main buckets. First, there are the core business systems that are common to any company. Whether you’re Walmart, Amazon, or a smaller-scale enterprise, you need things like HR technology, CRM, ERP systems, and payroll.

There might be some industries where you can differentiate through a CRM system, but for the most part you can rely on third-party tools for these core functions.

However, the second bucket is where you get to decide what’s unique about your business. When you look at what’s unique about your business processes, you can start to recognize opportunities to differentiate through custom technology. For many businesses, this differentiation occurs close to the edge in customer interaction.

Differentiation can come in many different forms, but it’s easiest to think of it under three sectors:

  • Internal applications
  • Product-related differentiation
  • Websites and mobile. However, these are more marketing/customer experience functions as opposed to custom development cases.

While your product might be the first thing you think about for business differentiation, internal applications and daily operational inefficiencies are often the most unique part of your company.

The Adoptability Problem For New Internal Technology

People don’t like change in their work routines. When you introduce custom software for a unique business process, you start making minor modifications to workflow to meet the tech specifications. But if the process is truly unique, you’ll face employee resistance as you modify your business to adopt new software.

The question you have to ask yourself is: “Do we want to modify the way we work to meet the needs of new technology? Or do we want to bend technology to meet our unique business needs?”

Think about the systems you have in place today. Are you struggling to get employees to buy into third-party applications? Are users actually engaged with the technology? Or are you just sinking money into software that isn’t impacting the business?

Rather than struggling to redefine workflows, custom development lets you adapt technology to meet the needs of your unique business processes. And when you have technology that is custom-fit for your workflows, you can start differentiating in a way that drives business results.

Resisting the need for custom development in some areas of your business would be like how the taxi industry resisted Uber. They already had the value creation done because they worked out the logistics, distribution, recognition, and everything else you need for a differentiated business. But when taxi companies failed to meet customer demands by developing new technology, they opened the door for Uber to eat their lunch.

If you’re constantly compromising what makes you unique, you might survive for a while — but eventually you’ll fall victim to growing digital transformation demands

What Makes Your Company Unique?

The reason we compromise on our unique workflows and adopt software is that custom development seems daunting. But as digital transformation accelerates business change, we can’t afford to sacrifice what makes us most unique.

Despite what you might think, custom development doesn’t have to be such a difficult task. If you want to learn how you can start highlighting what makes your company truly unique, visit our Contact or email us at “[email protected]” and see how you can adapt technology to your business.

At Juniper we start by asking “Do you know what your business will look like tomorrow?” Whether you have a plan, a problem or no idea, connect with us to explore the right answers for you.

You can view the original post here: https://www.juniperconsultinggroup.com/elevate-your-business-with-custom-platform-development/

Juniper Consulting Group: https://www.juniperconsultinggroup.com/


