Elevate Your Brand's Vibe: How To Attract Clients, Partners, Team Members, Investors & Vendors That Resonate
Elevate Your Brand's Vibe: How To Attract Clients, Partners, Team Members, Investors & Vendors That Resonate by King-A.J. Olly

Elevate Your Brand's Vibe: How To Attract Clients, Partners, Team Members, Investors & Vendors That Resonate

“It's because you haven't dealt with the default first. You haven't dealt with changing the default. And changing the default is super simple. You sit down for 20 to 30 minutes and do this one simple exercise, the Creative Alchemy Catalyst? exercise. This one simple exercise is going to help you change the focus, change the conversation.” - King-A.J. Olly


This article is broken down into 2 sections. The Discussion & Insights and then the Action Steps.


I’ve seen many of us (business owners, leaders, executives and entrepreneurs), from time to time, sharing about the crappy clients and customers we’ve come across — or the bad partnerships where people didn’t perform — or even mentors and teachers we felt left a lot to be desired and didn’t give us much tutelage.

And often, what follows is a sort of agreement that we’re just “earning our stripes”, going through the seemingly necessary hardships that come with doing business and achieving or maintaining success.

We brush it off as a rite of passage. I want to share that it’s actually NOT necessary to deal with this stuff.

Okay, sure, sometimes you gotta learn...

But the learning is better when it's actually a process of discovering that you have an incredible amount of control over what happens. That's better than the learning being this "I learned my lesson now on to the next" type of experience.

However, this more empowered level of learning is only possible if you’re willing to let go of the default beliefs and ideas about the nature of doing business and being successful.

The general ideas that we hear all the time are the same, we all know them:

  • "The customer is always right."
  • "Oh, that’s just business."
  • "Sh*t happens."
  • "His/her/their egos got in the way."
  • "([Name] or [issue]) blew the deal."
  • "It’s lonely at the top."
  • etc. etc., and the list goes on…

And we just accept these ideas and statements as fact. We accept that it’s just the way it is and we give a subconscious nod to the idea that we have no control over it.

But we actually want to have control! (Ain’t that some sh*t!)?

So we work harder to become better at reading people. We work harder at screening people. We do more research and try our best to weed out possibilities of the issues ever arising again, and yet there they are, they still occur.

Maybe a little less so than last time, but the problem persists nonetheless.

Yet hardly ever do we stop to make the declaration that “I’m just not the type of person who attracts or has those types of experiences anymore.”

—– And then go to work to reinforce that internal choice and decision by leveraging Universal law to reshape our environment so that it literally STOPS happening… Or – at a minimum – becomes a very rare occurrence – and becomes very much an uneventful and needed nudge in the right direction when it does happen.

The problem is that we don’t realize that we are simultaneously creating as we describe things. We say “sh*t happens” as a simultaneous description of that something happened, but also – at the same time – it’s a CREATION of that sh*t will continue to happen.

And we just accept that as fact.

We allow yet another new seed to plant in our subconscious flower pot, and then continue to give it soil, water, nutrients and sunlight. We do this via our beliefs and ideas that:

“it’s always been this way”,

“this is how things just are”, and

“I gotta use these as lessons to become a better person and better judge of character next time.”

Sure, we need to become better judges of character…

…but it’s OUR OWN character we need to judge. We need to ask ourselves why we're accepting and putting up with these things in the first place?

You actually DON’T HAVE TO ATTRACT THESE EXPERIENCES TO YOU. And with a little willpower, patience and focus, I’m going to share with you how to actually PULL TO YOU and CREATE the experiences you truly desire.

This conversation is CODE. It's universal law. It's metaphysics.        

But it's not the "woo woo" kind of metaphysics. It's practical and applicable metaphysics you can use in your everyday dealings to empower and enable yourself and your team to reach the goals that matter most to you.

I’m going to jump ahead and assume that you already know we live in a vibrational universe and that everything is vibration...

...and the central origin point of your vibration is your energy, thoughts and emotions, i.e. how you FEEL.

It’s the reason we say “he/she/they have good vibes”...

Vibes = vibration.

Side note:

I discovered this metaphysical hack that I'm about to share with you accidentally, and in practice. My sisters and I were using it, but didn't fully realize what we were doing.?

It wasn't until after I began to see the widespread patterns and issues it was applicable to and could solve. I'm not going to get into that story now, but I share that with you so that you know this has been tested across a wide and varied set of situations over the last decade or so.

In each situation, it works like a charm! And even sometimes better than expected.

Since my discovery of it, I've enhanced it with God's help. I now call this customized version, the Creative Alchemy Catalyst?.


Okay, so here we go…


Set aside some time in a safe space where you have time to connect to yourself and actually listen to your thoughts, feelings and emotions without any external distractions or pressure to express or explain yourself to anyone.


Ensure that you have a pen and paper handy. Or even a blank page in a doc, or some place to take notes. If you use your phone or laptop – anything that has an internet connection – put it in airplane mode, turn off the Wi-Fi, etc. so that you don’t have any notifications or distractions.


Sit comfortably and do some deep breathing and drop into a gentle meditation.

5 count inhale.

Hold your breath for 5 seconds.

5 count exhale.

(If you don’t know how to meditate, or you’re afraid of it, or something of the sort is blocking you from meditating, please connect with me, and I'll provide access to some materials to help you with it.)

As you're breathing in, flex your muscles in your body – body wide, then release the tension. Do this a few times as you exhale. Tense your body up as you inhale, then release as you exhale.

After a few cycles of that, stop tensing your body and just do the deep breathing.

As you start to feel yourself relax and arrive at an increased level of ease and peace, begin to shift your focus to your ideal customers and clients (or vendors, partners, investors, etc. - Just pick one category. For conversation sake, I'm focusing on clients...) and then ask yourself:

“Who do I want them to be?”
“Who do I actually want to work with?”
“How do I want the experience of working with them to be?

(Of course, don't ask all three questions at once.)

Now, when I say “who”, I don’t mean names. Although that’s a useful process for ideal client lists and such, that’s not what we’re aiming for here...

Because even if someone you know of in your mind is your ideal client, you don’t know the nuances of their life experience – and the behind the scenes stuff that may make them your LEAST ideal client if you actually had the chance to work with them.

The people we admire often don’t show ALL of themselves publicly, or at least not in a way where we can surmise if they’re our ideal clients, customers, vendors, partners, etc.

So, while you can draw some inspiration from some of these people, don’t “name” them or focus on them too directly during this exercise.

This is a designing, discovery, exploration, creation, imagining exercise.

So it will be a lot less concrete in the beginning. Give yourself some space to play with the ideas of your ideal clients.

If you must use some “idols” to get you going, simply jot down some of the characteristics you believe you would enjoy about your experience working with them, and use that as a launchpad for generating additional inspiration and ideas.

Here’s the first few bullets from my most recent version of this exercise:

  • "I want them to be leaders. I want them to be people who make an impact that extends quite far beyond even their own vision. I want my coaching them, consulting with them and supporting them to be something that ripples through them, their team, their workplace and into the world to leave a lasting positive legacy that satisfies and fulfills both of us and everyone else they touch."
  • “I want them to be people who are looking for me. In one way or another, they're looking for me and what I have to offer, my specific vibration and brand and flavor of coaching, leading, transforming and discussing things.”
  • "I want them to be self-aware and conscious. I want them to be earnest about doing the intrapersonal work and getting the results. And I want them to LOVE ?? documenting their results and sharing their reviews and testimonials with me about their results. I want them to RAVE about me and our relationship to everyone in their world and in the world.”

(With my Creative Alchemy Catalyst? exercise, this continues on for maybe 2 to 3 pages. My goal in sharing is for you to get a sense of the flow and way I'm playing, speaking, creating and visioning.)

All of your typical stats should be on there too by the way. i.e. The fact that they can afford you, pay you well, fit the demographics you can serve and get astounding results for and so on.

It doesn’t have to be exact. You don’t have to say their age. You can just say the “fit the demographics” part that I just mentioned or something similar.

Do your best NOT to include any negative descriptions. So as you see above, I said I want them to be “self-aware and conscious”. I did NOT say that “I don’t want people who are stressed out, miserable and lack any degree of self awareness”.

Be very, very mindful with this... i.e. speaking in the positive.

In-Practice Tip:

I do mine by opening up the voice memo app on my phone, recording myself, transcribing it, then reviewing and refining it via two additional sessions / iterations about 2 weeks apart. This is metaphysical / vibrational sculpting and curation, you can do that sort of thing as you learn more and remember things you want to add to the list, or things you want to remove that don’t fit.


If you find yourself at any point thinking “no that’ll never be possible”, “these types of people don’t exist”, “I’ll never find a client like that”, etc.

Eureka! You’ve just discovered your own subconscious programming – which is that “default” vibrational conversation I talked about in the quote at the start of this article. These are your limiting beliefs that you need to work to overturn.

What you’re actually saying to yourself is:

“I don’t believe that I can have it that good.”

“I don’t believe that working with such great people and having minimal to no problems is possible.”

– And because you don’t believe it, guest what? You surely won’t experience it, because your brain doesn’t want to be wrong.

This is why we manifest these problem clients and customers in the first place, because we ultimately want to be right about what we believe. And we’re often oblivious to the fact that we believe that we cannot have real ease, bliss and joy in the process of creating or maintaining success.

It’s not actually YOU saying or believing that...

It’s the survival side of yourself contradicting what you’re creating to keep you safe from failure, rejection and pain. (Hence the desire to be right, because if you’re wrong, then these experiences and emotions are likely to come about.)

The way to handle this at the moment is to simply shift to saying:

“What if it was possible…?”

“What if” disarms your subconscious a bit and allows you to dream again as if it’s just hypotheticals.

Sidestep any psychological resistance by saying:

“Hmm, what if it was possible and I could have my perfect and most ideal client? Who would I want them to be?”

...and get yourself back on track doing the exercise.

Pro tip:

It’s nuanced, but saying “Hmm…” or “Well…” before saying “what if” acknowledges to your survival mechanism (an aspect of your ego) that you've heard and hear it, which also validates its input and disarms it. It’s better to do it this way than to try to ignore it. Because it will only get louder and more demanding in your mind if you do.

An added option:

If you hear your mind saying any of those disbelief statements I mentioned above (or something similar) reply back aloud:

“Hmm… Well… I’ll take that under consideration… But, what if…”

Yes. I know, you’re now officially in insane asylum territory because you’re talking to yourself out loud. ?? Don't worry. Everybody does it. Pop an air/earpod in your ear to dampen your insecurities and continue the exercise.

Any onlookers (which if you’re in a safe space, there shouldn’t be any) will think you’re on a phone call handling business. And you kinda are — but it’s a call with yourself – and within yourself.


Play around like this for 15 to 25 minutes dreaming up your ideal clients. Maybe even 30 minutes if you’re just having too much fun. ??

Don’t force yourself, but do push yourself a little bit to explore your imagination and the possibilities. Use this time to daydream.


After you're done writing down whatever you imagined, just say whatever it is that you need to say which mimics you letting go of it.

Across myself and clients, we typically say things like:

“I’m giving this to the universe. Amen”

“I’m giving this to God to bring to fruition.”,

“I’m giving this to you Source Energy to handle and light up the way.”

– Say what feels natural to you as your way of surrendering this new creation to the higher power and allowing Universal vibration to take hold of it and begin to align it.


Now you wait. This is usually the hardest part for some.

It doesn’t happen instantly. (Well, actually sometimes it does if you've a really clear energy space.) In general, I’ve seen it take anywhere from 5 to 10 days on average for the energy to realign.

You’ll start to see it show up in the form of:

  • Clients disappearing or canceling accounts, appointments, refunds...
  • People who said they were interested suddenly are not with zero explanation...
  • Your lead flow dries up seemingly out of nowhere...
  • Ad accounts acting haywire (Costs Per Acquisition is up, Average Order Values down)...
  • And a general sense of things just stopping or slowing down...

From the outside looking in, these things seem terrible. But it’s the Universe realigning the vibration for you to connect with the types of people you just created.

To do a 3-point turn, you need to stop the car, make a turn, then reverse, then turn again to get straight, then finally continue in a new direction. This is essentially that on a vibrational level. So your patience during this time is paramount.

There literally is nothing for you to do but to go on about your life. Maybe turn down your ad spending, or something like that (if it goes negative consecutively). But by all means, do not panic or trip yourself up and go back into survival mode. ← That’s what got you the unwanted experiences in the first place.


It gets better quite quickly. Like I said, maybe 5 to 10 days normally.

During this phase, as new clients start to come in, what you wanna do is whip out that list you created and start to vet the clients against the list.

Haha! Get ready for your surprise! You’ll be astonished at just how many criteria they actually match.

And if you choose to work with them, you’ll learn more and more about them and start to discover the nuances that you highlighted on your list within them.

This stuff seems like "hocus pocus" magic tricks. But it really isn’t. It’s just the way the Universe works.


I am in NO WAY saying that there’s no work to do and you do not have to do anything. What I am saying is that your vibration, beliefs, emotions, and ideas dictate the degree of the results that you can get when you’re doing the same work you already do.

That’s where this becomes extremely powerful and important. Still DO THE WORK. But instead of just doing the work with your head steeped in logic, try to trust your intuition a bit more to lead you.

When you did the creation exercise above (at this point it should be days prior), what you did was tune your intuitional instrument, your subconscious mind to a new vibration/frequency.

Your Reticular Activating System is now on the lookout for the exact types of clients you said you wanted, and for any signs of what's going to connect you to them.

This is the phase where you’ll need to move a bit slower and give yourself more space to trust your feelings and intuition so that you can navigate (via the work, skills and talents you already have) to the right place.

Having undesirable clients, partners who are half-assed, vendors who don’t deliver, etc. is not fun. You can use this to cancel all of that out within each type of relationship you rely on to create and maintain your success.


It’s not a perfect solution, because it's based on the individual and everyone will have their varying degrees of commitment to it — as well as personal psychological resistance. For perfection, it needs to be custom curated for each person’s mindset and then consistently monitored. This article would become a book if I tried to cover all that right now.

However, the fundamental elements of the tool are the same for us all... and works well without any personalized curation.

Hopefully you give it a shot and it saves you some time, heartache and headaches.

I’d love to hear your results if you try it. ????????

Feel free to drop any questions, comments, concerns, rebuttals, whatevs in the comments, or DM me.


Here’s some real wins from myself and clients' usage of this technique. Perhaps it will serve as encouragement:

  • A real estate agent client used this to attract more qualified buyers and boost their financing approval rates to above 70%. Their primary financing partner was shocked and asked what they’d done to have so many new buyers getting approved. They didn’t change anything else in their acquisitions or sales process, only the vibration.
  • A new nonprofit assistant director client used this to bring in more sponsors and raise over $110,000. The non-profit had only raised an average of $10,000 in each of the 5 years prior. Following the intuitional nudges after using this technique they were inspired to sign up for a training about attracting wealthy sponsors which led to an overhaul of the overall sponsorship acquisition process and the new sponsors.
  • A woman’s empowerment coach client used it to reshape her inner-circle clients and level up the type of content she was sharing with them so that she could finally feel like and be herself with her clients. It’d been over 4 years since she’d felt that type of joy serving her customers.
  • I used it to subtly remove two vexing clients from my online course without having to ask them to leave. Within a 2-week window, one asked for a refund, and the other just stopped attending. The remaining students were a joy to work with. The project lasted a year, so I saved myself a 12-month-long headache. ?? ????

Want my help doing this exercise and custom curating it to you?

Click here to book a Power Powwow with me. It's a complimentary session where we get to know each other beyond the confines of a typical discovery call.

Imagine it as a "first date", but instead of awkward silences, you get actionable insights and guidance on how to weave these metaphysical tools into your personal and professional lives with our ultimate goal being your enhanced clarity, ease, and peace of mind. Click here to select a time in my calendar.

Brandon Flynn

CLIENT ATTRACTION SPECIALIST? helping big-hearted Professionals impact more ??Want to SCALE-UP your Marketing ??Book more high-ticket clients with less effort? Let’s chat! | LINKEDIN MARKETING EXPERT | Digi-Nomad USA, EU

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