Elevate your brand with this one step!
You’ve already made the brave decision to follow your passion. Maybe you’ve printed business cards, drafted your business plan, or even packed up and moved across the country for a better opportunity. Now you’re ready to take the next pivotal step-- your headshot!
If you thought a headshot was just a glorified selfie? You couldn't be more wrong!
Your Headshot is your Brand
In the age of social media, your personal brand is just as important as your products and all of the skills you have in your toolkit.
One common misconception business professionals make, is assuming that headshots are only for people interested in the acting or modeling industry. The truth is, it’s no longer enough to have a solid business plan and a stellar company.
Your potential clients are looking to get to know you, like you and ultimately trust you.
You need to be memorable because as business owners, YOU are your brand!
If your headshot appears unprofessional, then your potential clients and business partners will think that your business is unprofessional. Without even realizing it, you may have already lost important partnerships or long-term clients just because your headshot was old or unpolished.
As a budding model or actress, you also need to have your own personal statement. Big brands are always looking for young models who have a unique identity and personal style. So you also need to be memorable.
Luckily, professional photographers have the ability to help you express yourself and your brand identity in a way that is polished and celebrates your creativity.
Your Headshot is Your Only Shot
Now that might sound a little dramatic, but it’s true!
In many cases, your headshot is your only shot at a good first impression, so don’t spoil it with a low-resolution photo from a camera phone.
Agents are constantly overwhelmed with headshots of women who are looking to be the next big name in entertainment. Ironically, very few ladies actually take the initiative to show up to casting calls with a professional headshot in hand. Most girls would rather take the Model Mayhem route with the hope that they will “discovered”.
When you have a professional headshot, you arrive with a fierce competitive edge!
It proves to agents and casting directors that you are more than just a pretty face. It proves that you are serious.
Even if you are in the beginning stages of building your own business, a headshot can do wonders for your company. Potential customers see that you are not just a another Etsy shop or Instagram boutique owner.
You are a professional, and you are here for the long haul.
But Do I Need to Pay for a Headshot?
Headshots are an Investment in YOU
You’ve already taken the bold step by entering into the business or entertainment sector. That’s an amazing first step!
If you are just starting out, you will soon come to realize that your success requires you to make investments. Of course, there’s the time you’ll spend honing your skills, interviewing-- the list goes on and on...
But there’s also a financial investment.
Ever heard that saying, “You get what you pay for?”
The same is true of investing in your future. Cutting corners now will only come back to bite you in the long run. So invest your money wisely and hire a professional photographer for your headshot.
That one small change could be the difference between landing that golden opportunity or getting passed over.
Ready to book your headshot, but not ready for the stress?
Download our FREE Ultimate Headshot Prep Guide to for a successful headshot that gets you hired!