The Elephant tied with a Rope:

The Elephant tied with a Rope:

Let’s close this week with some inspirational story we all might have read sometime but its learning are applicable to all of our profession and personal life very aptly as of today.. the story goes like this...

One day a person was walking beside an animal camp and saw that elephants were not in any cage/boundary but tied to a plain rope. All that was holding them back from escaping the camp, was a small piece of rope tied to one of their legs.

As the man started thinking about it as he could not resist to wonder why such a mighty elephant is not using his power to escape? But elephant was not even trying at all.

He asked the trainer same question and his reply was very interesting, He said “when elephants are very young we train them by tying in the same size rope and at that age its enough to hold them. As they grow up, they get conditioned to believe that they can not break away so they never even try to break free.”

Take away:

No matter how much existing processes and examples in front of you tells something can’t be done, you still need to believe in yourself and try new things then only you can achieve impossible.

Always remember something is impossible only till the time a new initiative including person/process/technology makes it possible.

I think most of us are ... it’s kind of mix of belief and fear.. status quo .. and believing it’s tried and tested .. and it never worked in past


