The elephant in the L&D room
Global L&D publication | Co-organisers of Culture Pioneers Awards (
What's caught the eyes of your L&D peers recently? Here's a selection of TrainingZone's most popular content from the past few weeks...
The elephant in the L&D room: Meeting individual learning needs and expectations
Whether we run a restaurant or deliver learning events, the needs and expectations of our clients should be our top consideration. So why are we still failing to do this in learning and development?
L&D expert Andrew Gibbons FCIPD explores the elephant in the learning room.
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Management development or expensive sheep dip?
Does your organisation provide effective management development or just an expensive sheep-dip training approach?
Philippa Spratt, co founder of Traction Coaching is here to help you answer this question
How to enhance the brand of L&D?
What do people say about L&D when you are not in the room? It's a scary question, but an important one to ask if you want to enhance the brand of your learning function.
Paul Matthews, CEO of People Alchemy Ltd explores what people might be saying about L&D behind your back. And what to do about it…
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From our partners:
Announcement alert! This year’s Culture Pioneer Awards shortlist is out
As a media partner for the Culture Pioneer Awards, TrainingZone is thrilled to announce the 2024 Culture Pioneer Awards finalists!
The 2024 shortlist is being revealed across the following categories: