Elena  Blavatskaya

Elena Blavatskaya

Good evening ladies and gentlemen!

At the numerous requests of those interested in the life and work of the Ukrainian enlightener and spiritual mentor - Mrs. Helena Petrovna Gan (Blavatsky), I present the horoscope of her birth for a general review and to clarify whether she was a specialist in fooling gullible citizens or simply had the necessary qualities to influence on the minds and public consciousness by logical comparison of certain phenomena of society at that time.

Elena was born on August 12, 1831, on Friday at 4:27 am in the city of Dnipro (Ukraine), when the sky above her head was in the sign of Cancer, but the mistress of this sign, the beautiful Moon, was in the sign of Virgo at 20 degrees of her third falling house of travel and scientific research, and this position of her probably affected the child, who, too, was in motion throughout his adult life and never stayed in place throughout the year and could be seen either in Saratov, then in Odessa, then in Bombay, then in New York, then in Paris, or even in London, where he ended his wandering days, and this shows well the position of her Moon in the third house, which, as you know, aspects the 9th house of distant lands and travels (sign of Pisces): we can say that she was born already with the outlined guidelines for her future existence!

The sign of Virgo gives great analytical and mental abilities and the Moon associated with her at birth, as a translator of energy, transferred to her such qualities of a clear vision of the situation and the active transfer of this information to others!

Interestingly, it is probably that her Moon in navamsa (dividing the sign into 9 parts) is in the sign of Gemini - also in another mental sign of our solar system, but in the 12 hermitage house of wanderings and sorrows!

This position of the moon says that she loved loneliness and freedom of relationship in the romantic aspect of this understanding.

Let's pay attention to the Moon of her birth, which was in the 13th divine star Hasta, the symbol of which is a clenched fist, which indicates a pure and not vicious person and actions associated with power and control, but they manifested themselves mainly in the pedigree of her mother, who She was the daughter of the Saratov governor and the granddaughter of Prince Dolgorukov and at the same time was the sister of Katerina Witte (mother of Boris Witte, chairman of the Odessa Court of Justice and mother of Sergei Witte, chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Empire).

Her father, being a colonel of cavalry artillery, was forced to constantly move from place to place and the family also traveled with him and the girl Elena flashed before her eyes a kaleidoscope of cities where the family moved - Kamensk, Odessa, Tula, Kursk, Poltava, Saratov, Astrakhan and so on. Further ...

Of course, we have deviated a little from the theme of the Moon of its birth and will continue this excursion: Hasta is a divine star by its nature and indicates the ability to heal and eliminate ignorance, to create.

Hasta is a bright star, giving a cheerful and pleasant character, she is associated with the class of merchants (we see that in her life, when she found herself on the verge of financial ruin, she opened outlets either selling flowers or other clerical things that helped to stay afloat and saved her).

With this ascending Hasta, we see a person of a pleasant character, with skillful hands, sociable and willingly taking part in entertainment, but firmly pursuing his goal!

Outwardly, these people are usually beautiful and follow the generally accepted demeanor, sensitive and artistic, prone to social activities.

They are able to withstand any competition, they love foreign countries and their speech is heartfelt, but the mentality is somewhat thieving (we see that the newspapers of India declared her a charlatan and many authors were convicted of skillful plagiarism), but nevertheless she took all the information from open sources and while traveling through India, she had several lovers from among the enlightened people who willingly shared with her the knowledge that they themselves possessed!

Regarding her family life and so on, this can be traced to the 5th house of pregnancy and we will see that the owner of the 5th house of her children, Mr. Mars, is in the 2nd house of the sign of Leo in conjunction with the evil Saturn, which is also the owner of the 8th house. the death of the sign of Aquarius, that is, a pest, and of course there could be no question of conceiving a child, this is evidenced by her numerous novels, which did not bring the desired result of motherhood and probably this circumstance turned her life upside down and directed her to search for truth in wanderings to unknown places and lands, which eventually led her to fabulous India, where she learned from the pandits (astrologers) that her reproductive system was struck by Saturn.


Of course her motto was - * why not gain knowledge through the possibilities of female beauty? *

Moreover, her Moon is in conjunction with Venus and she never had problems with men who were attracted by the lunar - Venusian radiation of her beautiful body!

Many noticed the sparkle of her unusually blue eyes, with which she penetrated deep into the soul of a person and fascinated forever.

I managed to reveal the secret with this combination of planets, in which Jupiter in Capricorn at 26 degrees received the energy of the Sun at 27 degrees Cancer, receiving a powerful recharge from this star!

Of course, this turned out to be a direct opposition to Jupiter, but many know that when Jupiter is strong, then children born with such a combination get blue eyes and flax-colored hair, and this despite the fact that Jupiter in Scorpio is extremely weak, being in the fall!

But there is one more element of obtaining such bottomless blue eyes as the trine of Venus with Jupiter - this also complemented the collection of her brilliant qualities in the enchantment of the large audience with which she communicated with pleasure!

Of course, the position of the Moon in Hast gives thievery, ruthlessness and insolence, diligence in work and a tendency to receive intoxication!

It is difficult to object to the fact that she did not accept many types of psychotropics, being in the most outlandish country in the world, like India, where her teachings about the secret doctrine of the world came from, and many philosophical inventions and the axiom of 7 indigenous races of people, volumes of books about which were lying on the table like the musician Leonid Sabaneev, the writer Leo Tolstoy, the composer Alexander Scriabin, the artist Adolf Hitler, the activist of Mahatma Gandhi and many other prominent and freedom-loving progressive figures of culture and science, for the motto of her whole life was the words - * there is no better religion than truth! *

Regarding the theory of * 7 root races * - I am absolutely sure and agree due to the fact that humanity knows 7 planets that strongly influence the life of all life on the planet - from an amorphous gelatinous state to a state of solid, flexible and elusive ether!

Her Moon was in the interval 16: 40 - 20: 00 Virgo - (interest in music, malevolence, separation from her father.)

I have no doubt that this can be confirmed by the conjunction of her Venus with the Moon in Virgo (Venus gives an understanding of music and capturing the register of pleasures in the human brain).

Regarding evil intentions, this can probably be interpreted with her insolent character to overcome the heights of her interests, even disregarding the victims of harsh psychological experiments!

This could most likely be seen in her seances, when people fainted at the sight of their departed relatives and friends, and sometimes they simply felt sick from cardiac arrest, sitting in a chair during these seances.

This can be assessed in this way - knowing that the factor of surprise can occur during this action,

Helena Blavatsky, being confident in her righteousness, maliciously provided the performed action in order to prove - that there is no higher power - than the truth, which comes not from God, but from knowledge,

which humanity has developed on the way to realizing itself as a thinking and already perfect individual of living nature, in contrast to the rest of the living world on Earth!

Of course, this is cruel to homo sapiens, but sometimes it must be done - in order to further develop and improve this living species.

Regarding separation from her father, this is probably also correct, since at the age of 13 she went to London to study music and then to Paris to study painting.

Her mother, also named Elena, was a famous writer and connoisseur of art, but died too early at the age of 28 due to tuberculosis and left her sister Vera and brother Leonid.

Elena Gan (Blavatsky) was born in the 10 year period of the Moon, but lived in it only 3 years 1 month 19 days and we can say that this period was really good for her and she was born quickly and without any problems!

But from October 2, 1834, the 7-year period of Mars began until October 2, 1841, where, in principle, she did not feel in good shape due to the fact that Mars was in conjunction with Saturn, the owner of the 8th house of death, and this position said that before her 13th birthday, she received life experience as a consequence of the nearness of death, and it was most likely due to a fire in the house or somewhere else.

Many will ask - why is this?

The answer is given by the position of Saturn (the owner of the 8th house of death) in conjunction with Mars in the fire sign of Leo!

Most likely, at this time, she underwent a transformation of consciousness and an understanding that a person's life, in principle, is not worth anything, unless of course you are attentive to the processes going through him!

Here, of course, one should pay attention to Neptune and Uranus aspecting its ascending sign Cancer from Capricorn - these two planets (especially Uranus in the trine to its Moon) give the energy of surprise and clarity of thought, and one might even say - the phenomenon of insight and discovery.

One cannot but say about the strong Neptune - the planet of illusion and clairvoyance, which is a vargottama, that is, a planet of enhanced double action, since in navamsa he is also in the sign of Capricorn and aspects the ascendant.

Neptune is an interesting planet, which is located at a distance of about 5 billion kilometers from Earth and which gives a person the ability to see or, say, touch!

This is most likely due to the fact that in its sign Pisces (the sign of the origin of man, as a separate species of animal on the planet), Neptune is like a fish in water and, as it were, is a matrix of a person and being at his birth nearby - gives him the ability to feel people and see their portrayal in clear form.

In principle, these influences of Neptune explain the ability of some people to see the invisible and feel energy without touching from the outside,

as we see in the horoscope of Helena Blavatsky!

From October 3, 1841 to October 3, 1859, Elena began the 18 year period of Rahu (Devil) - this is the period from 10 to 28 years of her life:

one must understand that Rahu is a fictitious planet and it is responsible for long journeys, and since it is in the fixed sign of Leo, this is a long journey.

Rahu is in the same sign with Saturn (the owner of the 7th house of marriage) and Mars (the owner of the 5th house of love) and we can say that before marriage she had a relationship with Prince Golitsin, already living in Tbilisi, where her grandfather was the governor of the Caucasus.

Vladimir Golitsin infected her with stories for fabulous India and she was ready to go with him even to the ends of the world, but a couple of years later she was engaged to the governor of the Erivan Khanate - Nikifor Blavatsky, who was 20 years older than her in age and from whom she fled for three months later, since it did not correspond to the principles of romanticism.

Usually, when the period of Rahu begins for an individual person, then all matters related to family values crumble like leaves in an autumn garden and the person regains personal freedom, since Rahu is the enemy of Venus.

For our part, we can say that Rahu is also an enemy of the Sun and we can say with confidence that until 1859 she forever said goodbye to her father, with whom she continued her journey across Europe.

During this time, Elena visited mysterious Egypt - the country of sphinxes and pharaohs and subsequently wrote a book - * Isis Unveiled *, in which she spoke about the cult of the penis and vagina and thus attracted the attention of the international community and all those who did not agree with the biblical story about the correct and a primitive way of life imposed by Christian morality and the Jesuits.

From October 4, 1859, Blavatsky begins the 16 year period of Jupiter until October 4, 1875:

the period from 28 to 45 years of her life.

Jupiter is in the 7th corner house of the public and social strata of society and is responsible for the 9th house of luck and the 6th house of illness:

at the beginning of this period she became very ill, but in the spring of 1860 she recovered and left for the Caucasus and Odessa.

In November 1867, she participated in a bloody battle in Italy on the side of Giuseppe Garibaldi and was seriously wounded.

and after recovering her health, she again began traveling and wandering around the Middle East and Europe.

During this period of Jupiter, she founded a Spiritual Society in Cairo (Egypt) in 1871, and when this society got into a financial scandal, she arrived in her native Odessa in 1872 in July and opened a shop selling ink and artificial flowers, but in the spring of 1873 she leaves Odessa to visit a friend in Bucharest, and from there to Paris to visit his cousin Nikolai Gan.

At the end of June 1873, she buys a first-class ticket in Le Havre to New York, but when she saw a woman with 2 children who could not pay the fare, she exchanged her ticket for 4 third-class tickets and all four made it to New York safely.

Is it possible to say - how kind and responsive to the grief of others was Helena Blavatsky?

And it was done by a man who denies a god that humans have invented

, but does not deny the influence of the absolute, that is, the influence of the inner world of a person!

The Jupiter Period earned her US citizenship in April 1975 following a nominal marriage to Georgian Michael Betanelli and the creation of the Theosophical Society in New York.

From October 5, 1875, the great 19 year period of Saturn begins until October 5, 1894:

Satur is the lord of the 7th house of the sign of Capricorn and the 8th house of the sign of Aquarius and is himself located in the 2nd house of the sign of Leo in conjunction with Mars, the lord of the 5th house of creativity of logic and mind, as well as the lord of the 10th house of power, dignity and prominence.

Not to say, of course, that Saturn is poorly located, but the 2nd house is the house of money and a good financial position, which our Elena lacked so much!

Rapprochement with a colonel, a participant in the US Civil War - Henry Oldcott, strengthened her position in American society and this sweet couple created - * Theosophical Society of the USA * - a society of people who are fond of spiritualism and the paranormal in New York

In February 1879, she and Henry Oldcott departed for Bombay (India) by steamer and continued their research in this mysterious country, where she wrote a book - * From the Caves and Wilds of Hindustan *, which traces her great literary gift and talent as a writer - publicist!

No wonder she was born with the Moon in the intellectual and literary sign of Virgo, which later came in handy for her!

In 1880, she visits Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and takes initiation in a Buddhist refuge (three jewels and five vows)!

That is, from that time on she became a Buddhist!

In 1882, together with a friend of Henry in the city of Adyar, near Madras (Chennai), they set up the headquarters of the * Theosophical Society of Adyar *.

This society gathered a large number of followers all over the world and she became the editor of the international magazine - * Theosophist * from 1879 to 1888.

In 1885 she left India due to her deteriorating health and moved to Germany, where she began writing a book, The Secret Doctrine, and finished it in London in 1888.

In addition to the above, she published many more books and essays in which she pointed not to a blind faith in God, but to faith in herself and in the use of natural neutralizers of the heavy influence of society in practice.

Helen founded the periodical - * Lucifer * (Shining) in London, together with Annie Besant, a supporter of the independence of Ireland and India from the British colonialists.

From May 17, 1889 to March 23, 1892, the sub-period of Rahu (Devil) began in the main period of Saturn:

Rahu is in the 2nd house of the sign of Leo along with the owner of the 8th house of death - Saturn and aspects the 6th house of illness, the owner of which is Jupiter in the sign of weakening, as well as the 8th house of death in the sign of Aquarius (air sign), and this period turned out to be difficult for her:

Helena Blavatsky fell ill with the flu and could not overcome it, having received a complication of the motor and respiratory functions of the body:

due to insufficient supply of oxygen to the lungs, her heart stopped functioning and she departed into the eternal world on May 8, 1891 in London.

Marcel Kamaletdinov , professor at the Indian School of Astrology and Ayurveda .


March 26, 2021, 01: 26 a.m., Odessa, Ukraine.


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