Elematik AviatorVR assembly process
In one of my previous posts I gave really short overview about my work on flight simulator controllers called AviatorVR.
AviatorVR has been in use for almost two years now and it has gone through re-designing process suprisingly only three times so far. Today two different revisions of controllers are integrated in official X-Alpha flight simulators by Pipistrel.
In this post I would like to show you steps in assembly process which is placed in my home lab - "garage". I think I read somewhere everything good starts in a garage, huh?! :D
Engineered and designed in Slovenia!
- PCBs are ready for through hole connectors assembly.
2. PCBs are ready to mount into aluminum alloy chassis.
3. Mounting PCB into heavy-duty aluminum alloy chassis.
4. Mounting connectors to chassis.
5. Wiring PCB connectors with chassis connectors.
6. Programming and final functionality test.
7. Finalization of product and labeling
8. Packed controllers ready for delivery to end-customer.