Electronics for extreme cold environments.
Dmitrii Khramtsov
SMT Process Engineer | Expert in Electronics Manufacturing & PCB Assembly | IPC 610J Certified | ESD & Reflow Specialist | R&D & Process Optimization
First of all, it is necessary to focus not on the production of electronics, but on its development.?Since at extremely low temperatures, the characteristics of almost all components change greatly. The characteristics of many components are very different from the norm when exposed to high or low temperatures.
Now about the main thing - the most important thing when operating electronics in very cold conditions is the absence of moisture around and inside the electronic module and the printed circuit board. So we need to avoid moisture at all stages of production. What needs to be done?
- Mandatory use of dry storage cabinets at all stages of the production of the electronic module. We store printed circuit boards and components in them. We store soldered printed circuit boards in them, we store assembled products in them. At negative temperatures, water molecules begin to crystallize, which can damage thin conductors in the inner layers and vias of the printed circuit board.
- In industrial premises it is necessary to create the right microclimate. This also affects the formation of static charges.
- You also need to keep in mind the quality of the components that you use in such electronics. No need to buy cheap components, don't try to save money on it. It can happen that you spend a lot of resources on production, and then because of some poor-quality inductor or fake microcircuit, the whole project will become unusable.
After production, the product is sent to work in areas of negative temperatures, where it meets with air, if it is not space. Accordingly, in order for the product not to encounter moisture from the air, we need to isolate the electronic module from the influence of the air. How can this be done without affecting the PCB?
Method 1 - a metal box is taken, sometimes they are specially machined on a CNC. A printed circuit board is installed in the box, the box is soldered. Oxygen is pumped out of the box through a special tube and nitrogen gas or some other gas is pumped in. You need to involve a specialist chemist to select the gas that will prevent the oxidation of metals.
Method 2 - is the use of waterproof coatings such as varnishes. I tested some varnishes and at -55 degrees Celsius, cracks formed on the varnish coating. Perhaps this is due to different expansion coefficients. But a 100% guarantee is not achieved with varnish in a strongly negative zone, in my opinion. Of course, for consumer electronics, varnishing and the use of rubber seals in the device case are sufficient.
Method 3 - the most common. Pouring the compound completely all the free space inside the case with the printed circuit board. Thus, responsible electronics for the air, railway and auto industries are produced. There are many compounds sold with different characteristics for different tasks. This is one of the cheapest, fastest and most effective ways to protect an electronic module from moisture.
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