Electronic Voting System Using BlockChain

Electronic Voting System Using BlockChain

Hey everyone!!!

We are from KL University, Vijayawada. As a part of our Final Year Project, we have conducted a field study related to Electronic Voting System Using Block-Chain. This article reviews numerous methods that have been developed to use blockchain in the voting process. The benefits and difficulties that the current techniques encounter are enumerated and explained. Online elections are a method that is becoming more popular inesent-day society. Because of this system's many advantages, open polling places no longer need to print ballots, and voters can cast their ballots from any location with an Internet connection. Along with the advantages, this system also has a high likelihood of being targeted by threats because of technical flaws. Despite these dangers and assaults, electronic voting systems used in elections must be reliable, precise, secure, and practical. The electronic voting system, which is trustworthy, quick, and affordable, is the greatest option to choose in toercome these assaults, threats, and other challenges of the physical voting system. The primary factor that is upheld by blockchain technology is user privacy and voter data security. This analysis's objective was to assess current research on blockchain-based voting and online voting systems, as well as any associated challenges, in order to forecast future advances.

This article briefs the entire research we have done to know our users' intentions perfectly. So kindly go through the article and comment your experience and feedback.

#kluniversity #klcse #finalyearproject

This project is undertaken by a team of two

1. Mantri Reshma Chandrika

2. Lavanya Sunkara

The topics to be covered in the article:

  1. Introduction
  2. Literature Survey
  3. Theoretical Analysis
  4. Benefits to the society
  5. Technologies Used
  6. E-Poster
  7. Experimental investigations
  8. Experimental results
  9. Discussion of Results
  10. Summary
  11. Conclusion
  12. Reference


Blockchain technology has been a popular innovation platform in recent years. A public registry of who owns what is maintained by the open infrastructure of the blockchain network. Due to the blockchain's intriguing characteristics, like its speed, transparency, security, and democratic nature, a variety of potential applications in various sectors have been developed.

The most good application of the blockchain are the computerized voting system. A representational society's foundational principle of election is the opportunity for the general public to voice their thoughts by vote.

The electoral system shall be transparent and trustworthy to give participants confidence in its validity important factor that contributes to our community. The voting process has been fluid in various instances. This development is determined entirely by efforts to keep the system safe, reliable, and accessible. Because of its importance, efforts to improve the voting system's general efficacy and flexibility are continuing. E-voting, often referred to as passionate casting, is involved in this.

To ensure their widespread adoption, e-voting systems must follow a set of benchmark requirements. These criteria include, among others, the voter's anonymity, the validity of the vote, and nonrepudiation.

Among the most slashing technology with strong cryptographic underpinnings is blockchain, which enables apps to utilize these skills to create comprehensive cybersecurity solutions. Blockchain may be used by any user connected to a network to transmit new deals, verify payments, and create new blocks. A cryptography hash, which can be thought of as the block's signature, is given to it as long even as data inside the transaction is not modified.

The cryptanalytics hash would quickly change if any changes were made to the block, signaling that the data had changed, possibly as a result of malicious activity. Blockchain has thus been utilized more and more to prevent fraudulent transactions across a variety of domains thanks to its solid foundations in cryptanalytics.

Although Bitcoin continues to be the most prominent blockchain application, academics are eager to investigate how blockchain technology may be used to assist applications across several areas while mistreating advantages like nonrepudiation, integrity, and anonymity.

This project looks at how blockchains may be applied to e-voting systems to make them more efficient while maintaining voter confidentiality, vote accuracy, and edge verification. Examining significant issues including voter unconstitutionality, vote confidentiality, and edge confirmation is the major objective of our research. These difficulties serve as the cornerstone of a system of voting that is effective while maintaining the fairness of the electoral process.???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

?In this article, we discuss our attempts to investigate how blockchain may be used to address these issues. In order to protect the impartiality and integrity of voting, the system creates a robust cryptanalytics hash for each vote activity basis on information personal to a voter.

In order to assist verification, this information is also sent to the voter through encrypted communications to aid in verification. The essay's body lists the requirements for an electronic voting system and explains how our approach meets each one.

2. Literature Survey

Recently, a number of publications have been published that highlight the privacy and security concerns with blockchain-based electronic voting systems. reflects the comparison of specific blockchain-based electronic voting systems.

The Ethereum-based open voting network (OVN) was made available. It is the first time an identity, an open online voting system with total user privacy has been used. The OVN's design limited the number of voters to 50–60. The OVN has no ability to stop dishonest miners from tampering with the network. By using a phony ballot, a dishonest voter might theoretically avoid the election process. Although the procedure does not guarantee a lack of motivation to use violence, the election administrator nevertheless wishes to have trust.

Moreover, as Rigidity doesn't really allow elliptic decryption, they needed an extra program to carry out the computations. With the addition of the libraries, its voting obligation came to be too enormous to be maintained on the blockchain. Assuming that it's happened consistently. The de-centralized anonymous transparent electronic voting (DATE) system, which requires a minimal level of confidence among participants, was suggested by Lai et al. They think that substantial digital polls can be conducted using the DATE system of voting as is.

Regrettably, the system responsible for analyzing the votes after the election was not overseen by an independent body, therefore it is weak to fend back DoS assaults. This technology is only suitable for small sizes due to the limits of the substrate. Even if separate voters' anonymity is maintained via Ring Signature, managing and coordinating several signer entities can be challenging.

Additionally, the use thePow agreement, which has numerous issues, notably high energy consumption?the "quantum computers" of the mines see a million computations occurring concurrently around the globe. This layout is costly and uses a lot of energy because it demands a lot of computation power. The BSJC proof of completion was suggested by Shahzad et al. as a trustworthy electronic voting procedure. They described the structure of the entire system using a process model. On a smaller scale, it also made an effort to solve issues with election security, privacy, and stealth.

However, other additional issues have been brought up. For instance, the proof of labour is a big and difficult mathematical task that takes a tremendous lot of effort to complete.The presence of a third party creates a different problem since Gao et al. have presented a blockchain-based anti-quantum automated voting method with an audit function. Changes have also been made to the code-based Niederreiter algorithm to increase its resistance against quantum assaults. The Key Generation Center (KGC), a regulator, utilises certificate-free cryptoanalysis.

It not only honors the voter's right to anonymity, but it also facilitates the audit's execution. A closer examination of their approach reveals that, despite the tiny number of voters, there are still considerable organisational and security benefits for such a small-scale vote. If indeed the number is too high, the institution could be reduced in size in order to improve security. Using blockchain technology, Yi introduced the Blockchain-based Electronic Voting Scheme (BES), which offered suggestions on boosting voting machine's integrity inside the peer-to-peer system.

The system was developed and tested in a P2P network using Linux systems. Countermeasure-based attacks are a serious issue with this approach. Without the support of third parties who can supervise the system, this method cannot be utilised to focus usage in a system with many agents. A distributed approach, such as the usage of locked multipart computers, may be used to resolve the problem. However, in this case, computing costs are more noticeable and may even be prohibitive if there are too many players and the calculation function is complex.

Khan, K.M., has proposed a block-based e-voting architecture (BEA) that thoroughly evaluated public blockchain and stateless blockchain designs utilizing a variety of requirements relating to voter base, block size, block production, and block system throughput. There research is ?produced intriguing results about the impact of various frameworks. These markings are then used to collect votes from people and deposit them for politicians. The mining group updates the main blockchain's ledger to keep track of the votes that have been cast in the past and the current state of each vote. The vote is in limbo until a miner updates the main ledger. The vote is then cast using the voting machine at the leafleting site.

Nevertheless, this model was shown to have certain shortcomings. Voting by ineligible voters is not protected from quantum attach and cannot be legally prevented. Their rough model shows little concern for the electorate's integrity. Additionally, because fewer people maintain the network's activity, their strategy of employing virtual consensus allows the division of testimony into cartels.

The fundamental drawback of the blockchain voting system, delays and scalability in voting machines,?concerns not discussed in this attack, which may be more difficult. They have been using a private blockchain obtained from Bitcoin called the Multichain framework, This is unsuitable again for the nation's electoral process. The report points out that this method is only systematic in voting contexts of a modest to medium size.

3. Theoretical Analysis

?The processes for electronic voting are described in some detail in this section. A voting method known as "electronic voting" involves recording or tallying votes electronically. Generally speaking, electronic voting refers to voting machines enabled by technology and software. Such consistency should be able of adopting or enabling a wide range of tasks, from vote counting through election setting. Examples of different structure kinds include laptops, mobile devices, and voting booth kiosks. Electronic voting systems must incorporate voter identification, voting, counting, and registration.

Electronic voting is Among the domains wherein block chain may have a big effect. voting electronically is not viable alternative in its own due to the high level of risk. A hack of an electronic voting system would have significant consequences. Up to appropriate implementation, cheating is theoretically impossible because to the way a blockchain-based network is designed because A block chain technology is fully functional, centralised, open, and driven by consensus. Therefore, it is crucial to take into account the special features of the blockchain. Nothing about blockchain technology makes it inherently incompatible with use with any other kind of cryptocurrency. The idea of creating a secure voting machines network utilising blockchain technology is picking up steam.Consumers wouldn't be aware.

?In contrast side, unlike a central computer, voting just on blockchain will result in a totally open, publicly stored, encrypted piece of data. Each encrypted vote is verified by an agreement procedure on a blockchain mechanism, and copies of the blockchain ledger are distributed across the public records for each vote. The administration will record voting procedures and keep track of it, but this data will not only be used for policy. Voter protection is guaranteed despite the dispersed and open the characteristics of blockchain voting technology. This proves that anyone can use blockchain electronic voting to count the votes, but no one will know who cast a vote for whom. The use cases for traditional electronic voting and blockchain-based electronic voting are unquestionably different.

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  • USER

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The current voting machine had security flaws that would jeopardise the outcome. Internet voting is subject to a variety of risks in addition to human mistake, including system failure technological issues, voter fraud, infiltration by internal and international sabotage, and technical errors. With the aid of the hashing idea, the suggested system added the block chain concept to the digital voting system to increase database security.

  • Two modules, Admin and Voter, are used in this.
  • Module-1: Administrator (Admin) : Administrator Add Candidate, Candidate Details, and Verify Voter (User) Is Legal.
  • Module-2: Voter (Users): Voters have the option to select a candidate.

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The use of electronic voting equipment aims to speed up ballot counting, lower the expense of hiring people to physically tally ballots, and increase accessibility for voters with disabilities. In the long run, expenditures should also go down. Results may be published and communicated more quickly. By being able to vote independently from their location, voters can save time and money. The total voting turnout might rise as a result. The voter groups who stand to gain the most from electronic elections include those who reside overseas, those who reside in remote rural regions, and the disabled who have mobility issues.

5. Technologies Used

  • Visual Studio Code
  • MockAPI
  • ReactJS

6. E-Poster

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5. Experimental investigations

  • We have used some tools to perform Electronic Voting System using Blockchain Technology.
  • Used React Js to complete the frontend task by using visual studio and used mockAPI to store Voting results in Backend.

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6. Experimental results

After completing working with the program in visual studio, the commands that need to be run for compiling the program are

  • Npm init
  • Npm start

And there are some other cmmands that are need to be run by whch we can import librares to perform the program

  • npm install react-hook-form
  • npm install react-router-dom
  • npm install semantic-ui-react
  • npm install react-dom

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7.Discussion of Results

Blockchain technology has been a popular innovation platform in recent years. A public registry of who owns what is maintained by the open infrastructure of the blockchain network. Due to the blockchain's intriguing characteristics, like its speed, transparency, security, and democratic nature, a variety of potential applications in many sectors have been created.

This article reviews numerous methods that have been developed to use blockchain in the voting process. The benefits and difficulties that the current approaches encounter are enumerated and explained. Modern culture is increasingly embracing the practise of online voting.

The use of electronic voting equipment aims to speed up ballot counting, lower the expense of hiring people to physically tally ballots, and increase accessibility for voters with disabilities. In the long run, expenditures should also go down. Results may be published and communicated more quickly.

8. Summary

The current voting process is ensured to take place in an honest, accurate, and highly secure manner using the Use of Blockchain Technology to Secure Electronic Voting. By enabling voters to independently examine the ballot box and maintaining each voter's right to privacy, this technology saves voter information and ballots on two different blockchains, thereby ensuring transparency into election results.

By allowing voters to cast their ballots wherever they are and minimising the effort put forth by staff, this system merely moves the present method of voting in an election online. Its goal is to make it more secure and convenient.

9. Conclusion

This article attempts to analyse and assess recent research on electronic voting methods based on blockchains. The article covers a current study on electronic voting using blockchain technology. Prior to discussing the current electronic voting methods, the blockchain concept and its uses are presented. Then, several issues with the present computerised voting procedures are located and fixed. In addition to the current blockchain-based electronic voting systems, the blockchain does have the potential to greatly improve electronic voting inside the next. Many experts think blockchain might work well for a decentralised electronic voting system. Additionally, all voters and impartial observers have accessibility to a voting history kept in these recommended systems. The majority of articles on voting machines using blockchain, however, recognised and solved comparable problems, according to researchers. Future research needs to fill in many of the study gaps that exist in electronic voting. Attacks on scalability, a Possible drawbacks include a lack of openness, reliance on questionable processes, and resistance to compulsion. We are not entirely aware of all the worries about the scalability and security of blockchain-based electronic voting systems. since more research is needed. By using blockchain voting techniques, users may be exposed to unanticipated security risks and weaknesses. Software architecture that is more knowledgeable and administrative skill are required for blockchain technology. Experience has taught us that during actual voting procedures, the aforementioned critical scrutiny should be covered in more detail. Therefore, before being used more widely, electronic voting methods should first be tested in small pilot locations. The internet and canvass machines still have a lot of security issues. There will need to be significant security upgrades in electronic voting over a trusted and secure internet. Despite seeming like the perfect solution, these limitations in the blockchain system prevented it from fully resolving the problems with the voting mechanism. This study showed that there are still many technical obstacles and significant problems were produced by blockchain technologies and had to be documented. It is critical to recognise that blockchain-based technology is still in its early stages as a means of electronic voting.

10. Reference

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