Electronic Specifier's Weekly Roundup
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Care robots: ethical perceptions and acceptance
Researchers develop a model that can explain the effect of users’ ethical perception on their willingness to use care robots.
The global population of people older than 65 years of age is rapidly increasing the need for care. Although care robots are a promising solution to fill in for caregivers, their social implementation has been slow and unsatisfactory. A team of international researchers has now developed the first universal model that can be employed across cultural contexts to explain how ethical perceptions affect the willingness to use care robots.
Countries like Japan are experiencing declining birth rates and an aging population. The increased burden of care for this aging population may lead to a shortage of caregivers in a decade’s time. Thus, the recruitment and allocation of resources must be planned in advance. Technological interventions in the form of robots that provide home care services to the aged appear to be a promising solution to this problem.
India's historic lunar mission: exploring the moon's south pole
In a monumental achievement for space exploration, India's robotic lander, Vikram, recently became the first spacecraft to successfully touch down near the enigmatic south pole of the moon.
Vikram carried within its protective shell a 26-kilogram rover named Pragyaan. This endeavour is part of India's Chandrayaan-3 lunar exploration mission, aimed at unravelling the mysteries the unexplored area of the moon has to offer.
India's successful moon landing places it alongside the US, China, and Russia, making it the fourth country to achieve this feat. However, what sets India's mission apart is its destination – the moon's south pole. This uncharted territory, which has been untouched by sunlight for billions of years, presents scientists with an array of challenges and opportunities for discovery.
For years, the moon was thought to be an arid celestial body. However, advances in technology and data collected by India's Chandrayaan-1 lunar orbiter in 2008 hinted at the presence of water ice in the moon's polar regions.
Sensors in automotive market will grow to nearly 3.5 billion by 2035
A new report from Guidehouse Insights analyses the global market for sensors and computing platforms in automated vehicles.
Globally, automated vehicles are already being deployed in some markets, focusing currently on urban robotaxis and highway driving. The light duty vehicle (LDV) market has all the pieces needed for an expansion of next-generation advanced driver assist systems (ADAS) and automated driving systems (ADS) over the coming years. According to a new report from Guidehouse Insights, more than 90% of all LDVs sold will have some level of hands-off driving capabilities – with more than 3.4 billion sensors annually in the automotive market by 2035, growing from 897.9 million in 2023, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.7%.
“The market for the sensors and computing platforms that are the necessary enabling technology for this higher level of automation is set to expand greatly,” says Jake Foose, Research Analyst with Guidehouse Insights. “Most ADAS systems being deployed by vehicle original equipment manufacturers are advancing to the degree that their automation will be a marketable safety feature soon. Within the next 10 years, the move to higher levels of automation will be well underway."
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