Electronic information products, vehicles as storage, inventory digestion, and the doctrine of double standard
Michael Horlick, MPM, M Ed., PMP
Educator, Lexicographer, and Incurable Idealist
Terms to note from recent PRC Ministry of Commerce press events:
China’s industrial subsidy policies are reasonable and legitimate. Such policies originated from the United States and Europe and are widely adopted by countries all over the world. China’s industrial subsidy policies are mainly introductory and strictly abide by WTO rules, and always adhere to the principles of fairness, transparency and non-discrimination, so that all enterprises operating in China can enjoy the same benefits. There are no prohibitive subsidies as stipulated by the WTO, and relevant subsidy policies have been notified to the WTO in a timely and comprehensive manner. By contrast, the United States and Europe have significantly increased their subsidies in recent years, and introduced a large number of exclusive and discriminatory practices, which create obstacles for Chinese products to enter their market. This is a typical protectionist practice and violates the basic principles of the WTO.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference May 16, 2024)
Event quote:
From the trend of industrial development, green and low carbon development is the prevailing trend. Global green transition will continue to generate great demand for new energy products. According to the research of International Energy Agency, to meet the carbon neutrality goal, the global sales of NEVs need to reach about 45 million in 2030, more than three times that of 2023 and far exceeding current global supplies. Meanwhile, accelerating new energy technology and product upgrade and iteration will continuously create new demand. Overall, global new energy industry is still at a start-up and growth stage. Far from excessive, the capacity is insufficient. ?(MOFCOM Regular Press Conference May 16, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 希望欧方审慎使用贸易救济措施,为中欧电动汽车产业发展创造更加稳定、健康的环境。?
We expect the EU to use trade remedy measures with caution to create a more stable and healthy environment for the development of the electric vehicle industry in China and Europe.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_March 14, 2024)?
?? 美方人为设立贸易壁垒,妨碍公平竞争,对电动汽车技术和产业发展百害而无一利。?
The United States has artificially set up trade barriers, which hinders fair competition and does no good but great harm to the development of electric vehicle technology and industry.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_December 7, 2023)?
?? 基础研究和原始创新不断加强,一些关键核心技术实现突破,战略性新兴产业发展壮大,载人航天、探月探火、深海深地探测、超级计算机、卫星导航、量子信息、核电技术、大飞机制造、生物医药等取得重大成果,进入创新型国家行列。?
We have grown stronger in basic research and original innovation, made breakthroughs in some core technologies in key fields, and boosted emerging strategic industries. We have witnessed major successes on multiple fronts, including manned spaceflight, lunar and Martian exploration, deep sea and deep earth probes, supercomputers, satellite navigation, quantum information, nuclear power technology, airliner manufacturing, and biomedicine. China has joined the ranks of the world's innovators.? (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the 20th National Party Congress_2022_10_16)?
?? 推动文化事业和文化产业发展。满足人民过上美好生活的新期待,必须提供丰富的精神食粮。要深化文化体制改革,完善文化管理体制,加快构建把社会效益放在首位、社会效益和经济效益相统一的体制机制。完善公共文化服务体系,深入实施文化惠民工程,丰富群众性文化活动。加强文物保护利用和文化遗产保护传承。健全现代文化产业体系和市场体系,创新生产经营机制,完善文化经济政策,培育新型文化业态。广泛开展全民健身活动,加快推进体育强国建设,筹办好北京冬奥会、冬残奥会。加强中外人文交流,以我为主、兼收并蓄。推进国际传播能力建设,讲好中国故事,展现真实、立体、全面的中国,提高国家文化软实力。同志们!中国共产党从成立之日起,既是中国先进文化的积极引领者和践行者,又是中华优秀传统文化的忠实传承者和弘扬者。当代中国共产党人和中国人民应该而且一定能够担负起新的文化使命,在实践创造中进行文化创造,在历史进步中实现文化进步!?
Promoting the development of cultural programs and industries: To meet the people's new aspirations for a better life, we must provide them with rich intellectual nourishment. We need to deepen structural reform of the cultural sector, improve the cultural management system, and accelerate the establishment of systems and mechanisms that put social benefits first while pursuing economic returns. We will improve the public cultural service system, carry out public-interest cultural programs, and launch more popular cultural activities. We will strengthen protection and utilization of cultural relics, and better preserve and carry forward our cultural heritage. We will improve modern systems for cultural industries and markets, explore new mechanisms for cultural production and operation, improve economic policy on the development of the cultural sector, and develop new forms of business in this sector. We will carry out extensive Fitness-for-All programs, speed up efforts to build China into a country strong on sports, and make smooth preparations for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games and Paralympic Games. We will strengthen people-to-people and cultural exchanges with other countries, giving prominence to Chinese culture while also drawing on other cultures. We will improve our capacity for engaging in international communication so as to tell China's stories well, present a true, multi-dimensional, and panoramic view of China, and enhance our country's cultural soft power. Comrades, Since its founding, the Communist Party of China has actively guided and promoted China's advanced culture while keeping China's fine traditional culture alive and strong. Today, we Chinese Communists and the Chinese people should and can shoulder our new cultural mission, make cultural creations through practice, and promote cultural advancement along with the progress of history.? (Xi_Jinping_Report at the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China_Secure a Decisive Victory_October_18_2017)
... 从行业看,机电产品贡献主要增量。机电产品进出口增长10.4%,拉动整体进出口增速5.1个百分点。电子信息产品出口回暖,带动上游集成电路进口增长20.4%。?
... machinery and electrical products were the primary contributors to the overall trade growth. Their imports and exports increased by 10.4%, driving a 5.1 percentage point increase in overall trade. The export recovery for electronic information products led to a 20.4% rise in upstream integrated circuit imports.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference May 16, 2024)
Event quote:
According to market economy principles, supply and demand are the two basic aspects of the internal relationship of the market economy. In the context of the reality of economic globalization, the supply-demand issue needs to be viewed in a global perspective, rather than country by country. Today’s world economy has long been an indivisible whole with interwoven interests with globalized production and consumption that require supply-demand matching and modulation with a global horizon. One country’s capacity in excess of its demand doesn’t justify the ‘overcapacity’ label.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference May 16, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 我想强调的是,在全球化背景下,判断产能是否过剩,要从全球市场需求和未来发展潜力来看。供需平衡是相对的,不平衡往往是常态,解决这些问题主要还要依靠市场按照价值规律进行调节。?
I want to stress that in a globalized world, one needs to look at the global market demand and future development potential to see whether there is overcapacity. Balance between supply and demand is relative, whereas imbalance is the norm. The best way to address such imbalances is to let the market forces play their role according to the law of value.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 9, 2024)?
?? 根据低温天气和灾区保供需要,以及市场供需变化,做好肉类等储备商品投放准备。?
We will prepare for the release of meat and other reserve commodities based on the low temperature weather and the needs of the disaster areas, as well as the changes in market supply and demand.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_December 28, 2023)?
?? 世贸组织总干事伊维拉在峰会视频致辞中表示,自从2001年加入世贸组织以来,中国占世界服务贸易的份额从2.4%增加到6.5%,增长了2.5倍以上,是世界第四大服务出口国和第二大服务进口国,正成为世界服务供需中心。?
WTO Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala noted in her video remarks to the summit that since China’s accession to the WTO in 2001, its share in global trade in services has risen by over 1.5 times from 2.4 percent to 6.5 percent. China is now the world’s fourth largest exporter and second largest importer of services, and is becoming a global center for the supply and demand of services.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on September 6, 2023)?
?? 坚持去产能、去库存、去杠杆、降成本、补短板,优化存量资源配置,扩大优质增量供给,实现供需动态平衡。?
We will continue efforts to cut overcapacity, reduce excess inventory, deleverage, lower costs, and strengthen areas of weakness, and work to achieve a dynamic balance between supply and demand by improving the allocation of available resources and increasing high-quality supply.? (Xi_Jinping_Report at the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China_Secure a Decisive Victory_October_18_2017)
In April, driven by factors such as inventory digestion and demand recovery, China’s trade with traditional markets reversed from decline to growth. Trade with the EU and the US went up by 3.3% and 6.2% respectively.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference May 16, 2024)
The so-called "overcapacity" does not reflect excess capacity, but excessive anxiety. In essence, the countries concerned are worried about their competitiveness and market share, so that they would discredit and suppress China under this pretext, which is another new trick of "double standards" and trade protectionism. This will not stop China's progress, but will trip over themselves. It will also hold back global economic recovery and green transformation. The narrative about "overcapacity" would only cause excess. Under the pretext of "overcapacity", certain countries impose restrictions on China's exports and investment cooperation, which is in fact pure trade protectionism, and intervention and division of the global market, which will certainly disrupt new energy production and supply chains, resulting in duplicate construction and overcapacity.? Restrictions by bashing and pinning undesirable labels will only hinder cooperation and will not achieve the desired outcomes in the end. The green "double standards" would only disrupt cooperation on climate change. Europe and the United States hold the banner of climate change responses with one hand and wave the “big stick” of green protectionism with the other hand. While demanding that China take greater responsibility for climate change responses, they would hinder the free flow of green products from China. This is typical "double standard". China's new energy sector is committed to providing high-quality products for global response to climate change, and has made positive contribution to green transformation of countries in the world. One can't pursue protectionism when talking about climate cooperation, and there can't be real climate cooperation when one is also engaged in protectionism. China firmly supports liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment and resolutely opposes trade protectionism. The relevant countries should immediately stop the misguided actions of containing and restricting China's new energy and other sectors in the name of "overcapacity". China will take effective measures to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests. At the same time, China will always stay committed to openness and cooperation and promote common development.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference May 16, 2024)
Event quote:
Global trade as a whole has maintained a slow recovery momentum seen since the fourth quarter of 2023, stabilizing the confidence of foreign trade companies to some extent. A recent MOFCOM survey shows that key foreign trade enterprises have witnessed a consecutive four-month improvement in new orders, with over 80% of Canton Fair exhibitors reporting stable or increased order volumes. At the same time, we must not ignore the risks and challenges. In particular, some countries are pursuing unilateralism and protectionism, which not only elevate trade costs and risk but also disrupt global industrial and supply chains.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference May 16, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 我们注意到,有多位欧洲政要表示,加征关税是破坏全球贸易的下策。?
We noted that several European political leaders have said that as far as tariffs are concerned, it is a bad idea to dismantle global trade.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on May 15, 2024)?
?? 一方面,世界经济仍处于艰难复苏的进程中,全球贸易回暖速度缓慢,联合国贸发会议预测,2023年全球货物贸易额下降7.5%,2024年仍然“高度不确定且总体悲观”。?
On the one hand, the world economy is making a difficult recovery with the rebound in global trade painfully slow. UNCTAD forecasts that in 2023, global trade value in goods will fall by 7.5% and that 2024 will be highly uncertain and pessimistic overall.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_December 28, 2023)?
?? 今年以来,受高通胀、高库存和地缘政治风险等因素影响,全球贸易持续处于疲弱态势。?
Since the start of this year [2023], global trade has remained sluggish due to high inflation, high inventories, geopolitical risks, and other factors.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_October 26, 2023)?
?? 全球贸易、数字经济、绿色转型、反腐败是促进全球发展的重要因素。?
Global trade, digital economy, green transition and fighting corruption are key factors driving global development.? (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Session I of the 17th G20 Summit_Working Together to Meet the Challenges of Our Times and Build a Better Future_2022_11_15)
Event quote:
The so-called "overcapacity" does not reflect excess capacity, but excessive anxiety. In essence, the countries concerned are worried about their competitiveness and market share, so that they would discredit and suppress China under this pretext, which is another new trick of "double standards" and trade protectionism. This will not stop China's progress, but will trip over themselves. It will also hold back global economic recovery and green transformation. The narrative about "overcapacity" would only cause excess. Under the pretext of "overcapacity", certain countries impose restrictions on China's exports and investment cooperation, which is in fact pure trade protectionism, and intervention and division of the global market, which will certainly disrupt new energy production and supply chains, resulting in duplicate construction and overcapacity.? Restrictions by bashing and pinning undesirable labels will only hinder cooperation and will not achieve the desired outcomes in the end. The green "double standards" would only disrupt cooperation on climate change. Europe and the United States hold the banner of climate change responses with one hand and wave the “big stick” of green protectionism with the other hand. While demanding that China take greater responsibility for climate change responses, they would hinder the free flow of green products from China. This is typical "double standard". China's new energy sector is committed to providing high-quality products for global response to climate change, and has made positive contribution to green transformation of countries in the world. One can't pursue protectionism when talking about climate cooperation, and there can't be real climate cooperation when one is also engaged in protectionism. China firmly supports liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment and resolutely opposes trade protectionism. The relevant countries should immediately stop the misguided actions of containing and restricting China's new energy and other sectors in the name of "overcapacity". China will take effective measures to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests. At the same time, China will always stay committed to openness and cooperation and promote common development.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference May 16, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 有关国家和地区不能一边高举绿色发展的大旗,一边挥舞保护主义的大棒,这是典型的自相矛盾和双重标准,可以说这是一种“双标主义”。事实上,这样的做法既会阻滞全球绿色转型,动摇气变合作的信心,也会挫伤企业开展对外贸易投资合作的决心。?
Related countries and regions mustn’t brandish the stick of protectionism while upholding the banner of green development. This is a typical case of self-contradiction and double standards, and can be called a doctrine of double standard. In fact, such a practice will not only hold back global green transition and shake confidence in climate cooperation, but also dampen the determination of businesses to engage in foreign trade and investment cooperation.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_April 25, 2024)
Event quote:
I want to emphasize that the popularity of China’s new energy products in the global market is the result of hard work by Chinese companies rather than government subsidies.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference May 16, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 我们希望欧方不要推出针对中国新能源产品的歧视性政策,避免导致双输、多输的局面。?
We hope the EU will not adopt discriminatory policy against China’s new energy products, which could make everyone lose.? Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 26, 2024?
?? 我们希望相关国家客观、理性、全面看待全球新能源市场的需求和中国新能源产业的发展,公正评价中国新能源产品在全球绿色转型中发挥的重要作用,我们愿意在坚持市场化原则的基础上,与各方加强沟通协调,推动产业合作,实现互利共赢,共同推动全球绿色发展。?
We hope that related countries can view global new energy market demand and China’s growing new energy industry objectively, rationally and comprehensively, and give credit to China’s new energy products for their important role in global green transition. We’d like to strengthen communication and coordination with all sides under market principles to drive industrial cooperation for mutual benefits and win-win results in global green development.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_April 25, 2024)?
?? 当年,美国曾把中国向世界出口大量物美价廉产品称为“产能过剩”,现在又给中国向世界出口新能源产品贴上“产能过剩”标签。?
Years ago, the US accused China of “overcapacity” for exporting many high-quality, low-cost products. Now it is sticking the label of “overcapacity” to China’s export of new energy products.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 19, 2024)?
?? 同时,中国近年来累计安排约11亿元人民币用于开展应对气候变化南南合作,向近40个国家赠送节能和新能源产品与设备,帮助有关国家发射气象卫星,为120个发展中国家培训了近1500名应对气候变化领域的官员和技术人员,在气候变化南南合作框架下为其他发展中国家提供力所能及的帮助和支持。?
In the meantime, China has allocated about 1.1 billion yuan for South-South cooperation on climate change in recent years, donated energy conservation and new energy products and devices to almost 40 countries, helped relevant countries to launch meteorological satellites, and trained nearly 1,500 officials and technical personnel working in the climate response sector of 120 developing countries, and done our best to provide assistance and support to fellow developing countries under the framework of South-South cooperation on climate change.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on November 3, 2021)
A recent MOFCOM survey shows that key foreign trade enterprises have witnessed a consecutive four-month improvement in new orders, with over 80% of Canton Fair exhibitors reporting stable or increased order volumes.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference May 16, 2024)
In April, driven by factors such as inventory digestion and demand recovery, China’s trade with traditional markets reversed from decline to growth. Trade with the EU and the US went up by 3.3% and 6.2% respectively.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference May 16, 2024)
Businesses that recycle old home appliances will be supported in equipping vehicles for recycling renewable resources, and flexible recycling models such as using vehicles as storage will be encouraged to expand coverage.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference May 16, 2024)
Read in parallel: https://tinyurl.com/5227navn
? Technical infrastructure engineering, integration, operations, support, analysis & cyber security for datacenters, databases, networks & data. ex-Bloomberg, ex-Reuters, ex-Harvard, ex-NBER. ?? ??
9 个月In reading these TRANSLATIONS of Chinese ministerial pronouncements, I find myself repeatedly reminding myself to not have my disagreement with the Chinese government be misconstrued as a challenge against the translation. I am striving to be mindful of W.A.I.T. (Why Am I Talking)