

Triple Espresso:

Electromagnetism, business, and life.

There are 4 fundamental forces of the Universe and electromagnetism is one of these 4 fundamentals.

YOU are an electromagnetic being.

And to the degree, you understand and harmonize these two opposing, and yet unified aspects of your being, you'll WIN.

To the degree you don't, you'll LOSE.

It's just that simple.

The Electric Force is dynamic and active; the Magnetic force is receptive and attractive. There are so many things to discuss along these two lines (not the least of which is the Law of Attraction), but suffice to say that one without the other is incomplete.

When they're in harmony you're whole, and you're operating in your full power.

When they're not you're only functioning partially and NO MATTER HOW WELL you THINK you're doing right now, you're not even CLOSE to your potential.

In the East, they call the Electric Force "Yang" and the Magnetic is "Yin".

If you've ever seen the Yin/Yang symbol, you'll also realize that each has BOTH.

The masculine force operates in the feminine; and the converse is true as well. It has NOTHING to do with a male or female body; and they both eternally dance together.

Regardless of what body type you're in, you have both. I'm sure you. like me, have known women who have more masculine traits than feminine; and likewise, men who have more feminine.

Each needs to strengthen the OPPOSING AND YET UNIFIED FORCE to be in their full POWER and ABILITY.

Much too deep to explore fully here today. But something to ponder, and IF WISE, ponder deeply.

More importantly, ACT UPON.

The Leader for the Future is a Business-person, a Philosopher, Scientist, Mystic and Sage. Are you ready to move beyond the mundane to the meaningful? Join today and start your #ProjectStayHome Ultimate Performance and Ultimate Life! Details here: https://www.jamesraystore.com/product/projectstayhome-the-ultimate-performance-forum-2021/

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