The Electromagnetic Spectrum
? The Electromagnetic Spectrum a 3-Dimensional Electro-state that Science forgot to identify..?
A new theory proposes: Electro-existence is a much different Dimensional Realm than Mass. It occupies a diverse existence with Electro-ability to carry, receive and transmit 3-Dimensional electro-wave images that can be Calibrated into height, depth & width.
It possesses Energy-force Equivalence in Temperature and Electro-charge that can be measured. It governs Planetary and Galaxy Systems and Creates the most Dominant force in the Universe - we call Gravity. And jet, it remains the Invisible and Un-identified Dimensional state.
Dimensional Realms could explain the mysterious origins of Energy, which co-exists entangled between Electro-physics & Mass-physics...this modern proposal introduces a new observational ideas, collaboration is welcomed.
-Unpublished works represented by 'The Theory of Dimensional Symetrix' written by Mark Jagg