

Electricity !

El is short for Elo-him God- Elect is how humans select a supreme leader, Tri is the three phase,?City is where most humans live. " Electricity "

Bob -??I was taught that Elohim is a term from paleo-Hebrew. The suffix ‘im’ is used for the plural tense. So shouldn’t it mean multiple gods?

Sol -?Yes Male/Female ( Elo-Him ) the creative spirit within nature.. The Invisible Force manifesting all creation upon the planet in regards to the spirit of life.. “one flesh” Adam/Eve the First Elo-him myth.. All Words are symbols with hidden meanings. "The man has now become like one of us, as Gods, knowing good and evil." Genesis 3:22 So man left the original garden and began to build cities in which to dwell, as the record shows no longer hunter gatherer tribes but settled down in to cities as we have today as the original garden is still being destroyed, " old growth "

"J. Robert Oppenheimer: "I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

?Nye -?Dude the name of “???” contains the matres lectionis. Which are the vowels. That is why when you get into coptic Yhwh becomes Iaw or Ιαω... often found in palindromes called the ephesia grammata.

Here as decorated keraunoi/silex that contains just those markings.

Bob -??Greek alphabet, not Hebrew.

Wolf -??Phoenician alphabet.

Dan -??Yes, that's what the Raelian movement will tell you ??

Todd -??And "fire" from outer space turned Lotts' wife into an instant "fossil."

?Spir -??All the Avatars of the supreme "God" were represented or related to lightning.

Jesus Christ performed transubstantiation, which we have made matter from light on several occasions in the last 30 years, and upon rising from the tomb and seeing his mother he asked her not to touch him as he had not taken on a flesh body yet.

The concept of moving between light and flesh has always been something of a divine nature, and yet we have Star Trek which broke it down into something a AI computer could do, but most missed what was taking place was akin to a "miracle". Tales of angels suddenly appearing? Fancy is the teleporter theory.

The Varja of Indra, if you take a picture of light glinting off a edge the camera will see a projection of a very similar shape/geometry.

Its all spirit (electricity).

Sol -??STAR TREK V What Does God Need With A Starship

Nye -?You’re doing what is called folk etymology. Which works great for art of memory and other informal aspects but doesn’t hold water to reality.

Electricity is an English conjugation of the Greek word ?λεκτρον. Which does contain your key root “?λ" (the Semitic Root of this word refers to the Sun) translating to amber and electrum interchangeably.

The significance of the etymology proves that there was an keen awareness of subtle forces of electromagnetism; such as rubbing amber on wool, and well... magnetism.

Guffaws, I am sorry the ‘Tri-city’ part, lol I narrowly avoided giving myself a concussion lol.

Yas?-??Excellent comment

Nye -

Sol -??We see this configuration all over the cities globally everywhere duplicated billions of times. Ever wondered why? In the very near future all this will be rendered obsolete as a truly wireless world emerges, within the next great technological revolution, - the paradigm has already shifted.

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Nye -??Holy deflection Batman!!!

I am going to be straight...

I have Gestaut-Geschwind syndrome so I recognize crazy from personal experience.

I also recognize circumstantial speech: a symptom of crazy, which you have provided several perfect examples of.

I am not sure where you’re going but slow down.

The man that coined the term ‘paradigm’ as we use it was named Thomas Kuhn. Make sure you’re meaning matches his.

?Cas -?While the etymology from Greek is accurate, the folk etymology surely didn't go unnoticed when the modern usage was coined. Double meanings are not impossible.

?Nye - Cas, no doubt. There are many terms in greek that are directly influenced by folk etymology such as the word ‘?gis/α?γ??’ meaning both a ‘goat skin’ and ‘magical shield of Zeus’, but ultimately meaning ‘storm clouds’.

There are other clues hidden in etymology, eg. in αστροπελ?κι=sky axe= lightning strike

The etymology doesn’t stop at ancient Greece. (You know “Elijah/?????” becomes “Ηλ?α?-Elias” in Greek) Which goes into Coptic which is related to Egyptian. To the Levant and Urgaritic cultures all the way back to the hazy history of the Indus Valley groups that spawned the AfroAsiatic “Proto-Semitic” language groups.

“El” also shares a parallel Indo-European etymology through languages such as Hittite. Likely adopted with their use of cuneiform.

I agree that there can be double meanings but this fellow’s example is outright wrong.

Sol -??" A mature science, according to Kuhn, experiences alternating phases of normal science and revolutions. In normal science the key theories, instruments, values and metaphysical assumptions that comprise the disciplinary matrix are kept fixed, permitting the cumulative generation of puzzle-solutions, whereas in a scientific revolution the disciplinary matrix undergoes revision, in order to permit the solution of the more serious anomalous puzzles that disturbed the preceding period of normal science. These exemplars of good science are what Kuhn refers to when he uses the term ‘paradigm’ in a narrower sense. He cites Aristotle’s analysis of motion, Ptolemy’s computations of planetary positions, Lavoisier’s application of the balance, and Maxwell’s mathematization of the electromagnetic field as paradigms. " The word paradigm comes up a lot in the academic, scientific, and business worlds. A new paradigm in business could mean a new way of reaching customers and making money as the internet shopping boom has already shifted. In education, relying on lectures is a paradigm: if you suddenly shifted to all group work, that would be a new paradigm. When you change paradigms, you're changing how you think about something. In the case of electricity, we are collectively, spontaneously realizing a new way of producing electricity without previous utilities, wires, or even electrical generation thus shifting towards a new paradigm in the way the whole world views and uses electricity, that is actually all around us all the time in enormous amounts another disruptive technology transforms the landscape again.

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Nye -??Well there is no certainty no paradigm shift in etymology coming ...


Glyn -??El means Strength. Elohim is usually meant to be Divine Celestial Beings. No indication of electricity involved. *smdh* ??

Sol -???"?For at that time there will be great tribulation, unmatched from the beginning of the world until now, and never to be seen again. If those days had not been cut short, nobody would be saved. But for the sake of the elect, those days will be cut short. At that time, if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There He is!’ do not believe it.…Matthew 24:22" ---- The " Elect " shall save this planet from current destiny of total destruction, as the whole time continuum is altered. The " Elect " are as you say, Divine Celestial Beings ( Time Travelers) that will bring forth a new kind of Elect- Tri-City, a utopia that rivals the Kingdom of Heavens , as the false religious gods and obsolete technology fade away with dis-belief. As Kardashev defined three levels of civilization, most humanoid species in the universe never make it to the first through endless wars, pollution and mass destruction of the natural eco-systems of their planets, sad thing is mostly brought about through the generation, the quest for so called electricity.

?'Babylon Has Fallen'

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Glyn -??Mixing belief and knowledge always ends up producing neither. ??

Neyt -?You know I once touched Tesla's knowledge.

Lee -??Coincidence of linguistics

Tea -??EL means God in Hebrew or even ang-el, el-ites...

Sol -???Hebrew language, - Semitic language of the Northern Central (also called Northwestern) group; it is closely related to Phoenician and Moabite, with which it is often placed by scholars in a Canaanite subgroup. Phoenicia is where the word elēkr?n, comes from. Remember Lucifer a nickname for the King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon which refers to, " The Shinning One " or (Light-Bringer) the Electric Light.. God of this artificial world, Illuminator. Be sure to pay your, " Electric Bill " so you can keep the " POWER " on. Tithes to the GOD.

Nye -?“El” is also found in the Greek root ‘Ηλ?ο?/‘Elios or ‘Heliós’. As well as the Germanic root “Saw’el”.

All them have three things in common;

The sound alike.

The all refer to the sun...

And all three follow Indo-European expansion regardless of etymological descent.

Steve -???Sounds like the historical story told by the lizard people living under ground. Only they go into a lot more detail and say the Elohim were from another planet, forced the reptilians underground on earth and started engineering humans for multiple bizarre reasons.

If you trust or want to listen to reptilians historians from inner earth, then this is probably the best video I have about the Elohim history. I think if you believe in Elohim and Reptilians, they seem to be somewhat apposed to each other and so the reptilians might tell us things about Elohim that the Elohim kept secret from humans? The reptilian in this video says the Elohim modified humans to have vulnerabilities and exploits making them humans easier to control by Elohim and that the reptilians can use the human hacks left by the Elohim too.

Interview with reptilian Woman- Everything you want to know[Universe inside you]

This might interest you too. a much shorter video by "GodElectric" about a plasma electric translations for Egyptian hieroglyphs. According to the author of this website and video series, the Hieroglyphs are more like schematic diagrams. After looking into the website i've found the #GodElectric and #ElectricEgyptology are real enough to allow reconstruction of the Dendera lightbulb and explains the pyramids function best. Um, this information about #GodElectric

Electric Egyptology - GodElectric.org

Tea -??It's hilarious all of the know it all narcissists commenting and typically never anything nice or constructive to say.

"El, the general term for “deity” in Semitic languages as well as the name of the chief deity of the West Semites. In the ancient texts from Ras Shamra (ancient Ugarit) in Syria, El was described as the titular head of the pantheon, husband of Asherah, and father of all the other gods (except for Baal)."

?Sol -???Few people actually research anything they are content with the fake news, or whatever dictates the preacher says, or the politician, or the state public school systems. Most have been heavily indoctrinated, and will remain that way, so full of propaganda, that when the truth does appear they cant recognize it.

Tea -??Yes,?true and the longer the education the more indoctrinated they become

Sol -?Yes, most refuse to do any study, which takes an effort, but instead will attack, the messenger which has nothing to do with the subject. But somehow in their demented reprobate mind a feeling of accomplishment while sailing on the sea of ignorance where dark misery always loves company.

Luke -??Really funny

Blin? -?

Watts... Ohms... Voltage....

Mind... Body... Soul...

God... Jesus... Holy Spirit.

Cross has 4 points... one of them is you.

Sol - Yes, the famous Trinity, - Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit all aspects of El, Electricity of the Soul within the Human nervous system, and of course the reproduction of offspring as Father/Son thru the Generations, " THY " Elohim, Ancestral DNA memory, and destiny.

Yas -??These pseudointellectual word plays always make me cringe

Chad -??El means a lot of things. This is misleading

Sol -???El (deity)


Abra -??No. Wrong. Absolutely misleading.

["The New Latin adjective electricus, originally meaning 'of amber', was first used to refer to amber's attractive properties by William Gilbert in his 1600 text De Magnete."]

Etymology of electricity - Wikipedia

Sol -??Yes,?on the surface but there is always a deeper meaning as the human language evolved out of many cultures, all down through time most borrowed while language is still evolving, as new meanings are added daily..

Phil -??Dude, stop with the fucking bullshit already. There's ZERO connection between the word electricity and the bullshit you posted, just quit the fucking stupid nonsense.

Sol -??The world runs on, " Bullshit" haven't you heard cattle, steak and fertilizer.

?The origin of the Greek/Latin word is unknown, but there is speculation that it might have come from a Phoenician word elēkr?n, meaning 'shining light' which in those times meant God,( Elohim) the Light of the World of course our Sun, of which most ancient cultures worshiped.

Abra -??Interesting factoid; Bull = a religious document or proclamation, a solemn papal letter sealed with a bulla or with a red-ink imprint of the device on the bulla

In light of this it makes sense where the term bullshit came from.

Papal bull

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Phil -??It's from Greek "elektron", meaning "amber", derived from how amber would develop static electricity upon contact with certain material, such as wool, through the triboelectric effect.

Stop talking out of your ass.

Bry -??Derp. Reaching

Derk -??Interesting comment. I'm going to have to chew on this a bit ??

Molly -?

Tony - Wow, easy there... you said many strong words and made many bold parallels... I wish you explained as boldly and clearly...

Sol - ?Across the Multiverse there any many dimensions, most not yet reached by humans or their definitions. Patience Grasshopper all in due time.

Grah - ?Dammit, you were doing so well....why extra dimensions ? how many and why ? 10, 20, 400 ? multiverses ? infinite yes and fractal ( scalable ) but no need for any more dimensions.....not necessary, everything that El is, is simple....not more extra stuff that is not required, yuo can see the EU in its many fractal forms right in front of us, that's standard science problem, more invisible stuff to justify the stance. We will reach our definitions but it only requires 3 dimensions ( if anyone brings up time as a dimension tells me they are as lost as standard science ). Consciousness I reckon is in the water ( not the Aether as the saying goes ) and that is how we are able to share information with the universe and vice versa. Obviously its not quite as simple as that with cymatics, vibration, light sound etc but 3 dimensions is fine, its all in there somewhere. I could be wrong but until such time as I "see" another dimension then I am happy with what is right in front of us and learning fast. .

Sol - What is Cyberspace? Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence--just a few new spaces not a single human being knew about or could even imagine just a few years ago. Now imagine, " Future time from now, It is out there- Meditation helps.

Grah - They are all fractal elements of our 3d infinite universe that regenerates....like us. They all exist in the 3d we live in.....simple. Meditation always helps, agreed.....We couldn't imagine flying a short while back or visiting another celestial object but now we have the lid to the EU jigsaw box we can see how it all fits, just got to get it right......simple. No need to make new jigsaw pieces or force one into place as standard have been doing for a 100 years.....Evrything you mention above is first and foremost electricity so no spooky stuff, the principles are the same and are all fractal in nature....Cyberspace is an interconnected digital technology that is widespread, sounds like the universe or the human body. Virtual reality refers to a computer-generated simulation in which a person can interact within an artificial three-dimensional environment using electronic devices.....dreaming without the gadgets, not needed but still electrical......AI is the last thing we need, we just got to get there ourselves.......Ai is just a copy of us, its us trying to do Gods work ( not meant to be religious ) but its plain old evil, like the nuclear bomb........bad science that will hurt us. I don't know about future time ? but i understand what you are saying, yes things will come, its called progress but it seems it comes with a bit of humility as well hence the catastrophes.....they will come as well. Its about the now.

The Ole Roman Catholic El on the El-Ectric Cross still bringing the power to the people, but Watt If a more efficient, living EL is Elected - Resurrected ?

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