Electricity industry------ no load shedding (DougDodzo-GlobalEfficiency)

The electricity issues can be sorted WITHIN six months.

Electricity affects every industry and its critical that this be given 1st priority.Service quality should progress to that of a developed country eg United Kingdom, in a given time frame eg FIVE years.

  • First step is to get installed equipment to operate at least 80% minimum. The power utility CEO should be given SMART targets to get this off the ground and should be able to publish achieved monthly targets in national newspapers and on the power utility website. Resources required should be provided at the same time. I am positive the country will see an immediate improvement in the supply situation and employment generation. This approach of supervising all parastatal CEOs can yield positive results overnight. This can be extended to CEOs of Hospitals,Town clerks, CEOs of district councils.The greatest threat to development or good service is THE UNSUPERVISED PROFESSIONALS AND MINISTERS. The auditor general has published cases of maladministration involving millions so our problem is not that we do not have money as a country but we are not accounting for it properly. In the case where a CEO fails to achieve set targets and sites lack of resources then the MINISTER concerned should explain why those resources could not be provided.The constitution needs to be changed and ministers have to be accountable to the President as the appointing authority AND the citizens for the quality of service provided.If a ministry is failing to provide the required service then Citizens should constitutionally petition the President to set up a commission of enquiry made up of four judges.The Minister should be investigated.

A country should have a target eg

'To progress from developing to developed country in FIVE years.'

All systems and processes should then be configured to align with this objective.Any President who comes in should swear to fulfill this Citizens' aspiration.

?MPs should also be subjected to this citizens supervision.A constituency can petition a non -performing MP to be investigated by a commission made up of judges. The MP was voted by the citizens and when they fail, its the same citizens who should have the power to remove them. The same applies to the President ,the Citizens can recall him by signing a petition.A President who wins an election via intimidation and violence can be assured of being recalled by the citizens. This way the aspiring presidential candidates will never promote violence. Its not intelligent to wait for five years to remove a non performing MP. By extension, a government is made up of MPs etc so by removing non performing MPs the citizens can change government on an ongoing basis on a performance based criteria. All citizens above 18 years and on the voter's role can sign the petition. With our rich country , high collective intellect we will be a developed country in FIVE years.Yes FIVE years. Its reverse democracy to allow politicicians ,who are always in the minority, to dictate what the majority citizens should get.We want the developed countries to come and copy from us.This system will effectively 'kill ' inefficiency and corruption. MPs ,Senators and Ministers should not serve for more than ten years. This way the new people will unearth corruption and introduce new ideas. The minimum qualification for an MP shoukd be a degree There is no need to privatise the parastatals just let the citizens supervise the CEOs and the Ministers concerned. This is a new method of supervision called ' Dynamic Citizens Supervision Approach'-this is part of the DougDodzo-GlobalEfficiency 'for the betterment of society' campaign.

  • Second step is the CEO to publish 10 year development investment programme in the generation sector. This can be shown on a map so that citizens can invest in generation projects. I have deliberately mentioned citizens because other investors will take a very long time to come.We need to generate employment yesterday.
  • The current situation whereby every household has a standby generator is wasteful.
  1. Big customers should import their own electricity and pay the power utility system charges. The released capacity should be made available to farmers as a first priority. If the electricity act does not allow this, change it.
  2. Industrial customers can be grouped into clusters and can equally import their supplies if it makes economic sense.The network can easily be reconfigured dropping domestic customers or allowing the domestic customers to join the scheme which is collateral benefit.
  3. Some domestic and commercial customers living in the 'dales' can be given the option to import their own electricity and pay power utility use of system charges.Its more logical than having each house or commercial building having a standby generator which uses imported fuel,imported spare parts and initial capital.
  4. The rural electrication agency should be allowed to import and install solar panels in cities and towns , they are installing such facilities in the rural areas so they have the skills.One authority importing solar panels means the country benefits from economies of scale and quality import.The agency can recruit and register skilled electricians who will be own contractors and the agency's role is to inspect and energise the installation.
  5. Moving forward ,all investment projects by big companies should include electricity generation.Private entities can easily get cheap offshore finance at competitive rates.
  6. The power utility MUST avail its action plans and monthly targets to get generating stations run at minimum 80 percent daily. The CEO of the power utility should publish these achievements in the national newspapers. The cost of putting the monthly report in the newspapers is $4 000 lets say. The IMPACT of this action will result in more efficient service which will result in saving of MILLIONS.This public self reporting by the CEOs of ALL parastatals will result in overnight efficiency of service delivery. This can be extended to all hospital CEOs as well and mayors.Application of information systems can result in a heat map showing poor service areas and high complaints areas too.
  7. A minister of energy should be an electrical engineer who has worked in the power utility.A minister should be able to offer a 'solutions leadership' approach to power utility engineers. Thats the very reason why the CEO of a power utility should be an electrical engineer not just an engineer.
  8. Energy efficient appliances,machinery and improved building designs to allow natural lighting.
  9. Target--to deliver quality service which equals or exceeeds that offered in United Kingdom.
  10. Electricity sector is a low risk investment area but sadly has not been marketed as such. Citizens can inject $400 million in six months with proper marketing.One million Zimbos cannot fail to have $400 each or groups which invest as one unit.This is practical empowerment. The 'solutions based leadership' is required to progress service delivery to first world level in five years.Yes five years using the collective intellect and resources of all citizens. There is no country in the global village which has developed as a result of loans from global financial institutions.
  11. The power utility must use its plannng skills to inform the citizens about its plans and then the citizens can inject the necessary resources. The power utility can manage these resources on behalf of the citizens or the citizen investors can do that themselves.
  12. There is a lot of space for citizens investors.
  13. Douglas is an electrical engineer with 24 years power utility experience trained in Zimbabwe and have worked as protection engineer(Zim),Senior Maintenance engineer(Zim), Senior operations engineer(Zim), Regional Distribution Manager(Zim), Substation Senior Manager (UK), Distribution engineer -consultancy (UK) and Intrastructure Services project manager (UK) etc


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