The electrical distribution transformer
The electrical distribution transformer is one of the main equipment in power plants and substations. The role of the electrical distribution transformer is not only to step up the voltage to the power supply area but also to step down the voltage to at all levels to meet the needs of electricity.
After the voltage raised by the step-up transformer, the loss of the line can be reduced, the economic efficiency of power transmission can be improved, and the purpose of long-distance power transmission can be achieved. The step-down transformer can change the high voltage to the user’s required voltage at all levels to meet the user’s needs.
There are two types of electrical distribution transformers according to the classifications of different cooling media: oil filled transformer and dry type cast resin transformer. As one of the leading manufacturers of the electrical distribution transformer,rockwill could provide both of these two types transformers rating power from 30KVA to 10MVA capacity.
There are two types winding method of the electrical distribution transformers: “D” stands for Delta connection and “Yn” stands for Star connection with neutral line, uppercase letter stands for primary voltage and lowercase letter stands for secondary voltage in the distribution transformers.
There are three main constructional parts of distribution transformer: Primary winding of the transformer, Secondary winding of the transformer and magnetic core of the transformer. The operation of the distribution transformer’s working principle mainly depends on these two circuits linked by a common magnetic flux. E-mail:[email protected]