Electric Service: Charging for Power and Energy

Electric Service: Charging for Power and Energy

By Branko Terzic

Electric service has essentially to fulfill two requirements: 1) providing power (also called demand, capacity and load) and 2) delivering energy. These are not the same thing.

Under the US form of regulation by Public Service Commissions (PSC) the delivery of electric service must be “adequate, reliable, safe and reasonably priced”.? Delivered service to be “adequate” means that the utility must provide enough “power” to the customer. “Power” is the rate at which energy is used or delivered.

The term “power” is familiar to most consumers in terms of “horsepower” (HP) ratings of engines and motors. The electric term for power is that of Watts and the conversion is that 1.34 horsepower equals 1,000 Watts or 1 kilowatt (kW). If they think about it for a bit most consumers can understand that a 400 HP engine is twice as powerful (in delivering energy in the same time period) as a 200 HP engine.

Consumers, as homeowners or renters.? will also usually be familiar with the concept of exceeding the capacity of their internal wiring to meet electric “power” requirement. This happens when a fuse blows, or a circuit breaker is tripped. Most people know that they have plugged in one electric end use device too many for that circuit and exceeded the power delivery capacity. See the table below for typical power requirements of home devices.

Energy, for electricity purposes, is measured in Watt-hours and is generally defined as the “capacity to do work.” For electric utility billing purposes in the US energy is the total electric consumption measured in kilowatt-hours over a period of time, typically billed over a month period. In natural gas utilities energy is measured in British Thermal Units (BTU), Therms, Joules or billed on a volumetric basis MCF (1,000 Cubic feet) with an associated BTU/MCF.

The term “demand” is the customer’s instantaneous peak requirement for power. Customer demand will vary during the hour, day, month, season and year. The key to the regulatory requirement for “adequate service” is to ensure that each customer’s maximum or peak demand is met by the electric system.? In that regard, the term “capacity” is used to describe the ability of the electric power system to adequately serve the combined customer maximum demand or “peak load” requirements (in terms of kilowatts or megawatts.) The electric system much have adequate “capacity” to meet the anticipated “demand.” This also means that reserve capacity must also be procured to planned and unplanned outages of electric generation. It’s the capacity of the system which dictates the investment required to meet demand.

The concept of a “demand charge” in electric rates, according to Harry Barker’s PUBLIC UTILITY RATES (McGraw Hill 1917) dates back to 1892 when the British engineer Dr. John Hopkinson introduced the concept of charging separately for demand and energy as billing components. This has been known in electricity regulation for the past hundred years as the “Hopkinson Demand Rate” and has a number of variations concerning how the rate is structured with respect to “blocks’ of usage or demand.

Utility rate experts will be familiar with the historic and continuing application of this “demand” rate in the industrial and business classes. A question arises as to whether this three-part rate (customer charge, demand charge and energy) was proposed in the late 1800’s for the residential class as well.

The answer is that the option of a three-part rate including a demand charge for residential customers was fully understood and discussed over a hundred years ago. Keeping in mind that at that time, Barker is writing in 1917, residential electricity consumption was very low per month so that even the cost of an electric meter and the usage of the meter were factors to consider when setting rates. Central air conditioning and many other now common appliances were not yet available.

That question of complex residential tariffs was addressed by Barker in PUBLIC UTILITY RATES at p. 111.

“Residence Tariffs: The problem of securing a good rate schedule for residence supply customers is particularly difficult compared with industrial supply customers.? The latter are more apt to have enough technical knowledge to understand two-part and three-part charge and their long hours of general use generally result in satisfactory low cost of energy. The former require a very simple tariff for them to understand, while their service is in peak-load hours and of short duration so that their cost of energy is apt to be comparatively high – although they readily cannot see how. It is universally desirable that the residential consumer should be well satisfied and that the tariff should be framed so as to stimulate longer hours of use.”?

Well, for one thing the residential consumer of 2024 is a much more knowledgeable and sophisticated buyer than in 1917. Consider that the typical citizen today is familiar with complicated service offerings, for example, for voice and data services from mobile telephone companies, in choosing casualty and health insurance packages, in figuring out mortgage options, in choosing among competing credit card providers with various cash rebate schemes, in selecting combinations of cable and telephone services versus satellite offerings etc. Given the wealth of experience consumers have in assessing complicated service offerings it’s likely that the typical consumer would “have enough technical knowledge” to understand a multi-part electric rate.

The next difference is that in 1917, due to the limited number of electric devices in use at homes, the electric utility was looking to have its residential customers?add load?to the system. The average annual residential customer electric use in 1914 was 268 kilo-Watt hours per year. Today’s average annual energy use per household is 10,500 kWh.

What was sought in 1917 were tariffs which would encourage adding new electric devices and usage to the system to build load and usage, not tariffs which would send the true prices signals for demand and energy. That is not the situation today where efforts are being made to decrease peak usage, improve load factors and minimize energy consumption especially that dependent on generation from greenhouse gas emitting fossil fuels.

Finally, the cost of meters in 1917 which would record demand was significant compared to the total cost of service and the consumer’s bill. That is not the case today where metering costs, even for the most sophisticated meters, are low compared to the generation, transmission and distribution costs incurred by consumers.? Demand rates are up for discussion today in many jurisdictions.

Read this article and more at https://www.brankoterzic.com/electric-service-charging-for-power-and-energy/

The Honorable Branko Terzic is a former Commissioner on the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and State of Wisconsin Public Service Commission, in addition he served as Chairman of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe ( UNECE) Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Cleaner Electricity. He holds a BS Engineering and honorary Doctor of Sciences in Engineering (h.c.) both from the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee.

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